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The co-creation revolution revoluce spolecne tvorby a spoluprace Andrew Needham Founding Partner.

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Presentation on theme: "The co-creation revolution revoluce spolecne tvorby a spoluprace Andrew Needham Founding Partner."— Presentation transcript:

1 the co-creation revolution revoluce spolecne tvorby a spoluprace Andrew Needham Founding Partner

2 Contents contents the innovation debate the rise of “empowered consumers” embracing “empowered consumers” co-creating with “empowered consumers” pioneering new research techniques spreading positive word of mouth the “adfluentials” a co-creation revolution or another fad

3 Death of corporate innovation CORPORATE innovation

4 Ford Model T pic “If I had asked people what they wanted they would have said a faster horse ” keep consumers out of it

5 Consumers are the problem Sheep/People slide are consumers the problem?

6 Set up debate do you trust your consumers? do you trust your consumers?

7 James murdoch “Ubiquitous connectivity means fundamentally that the individual becomes the agent of everything. Moving, frictionless, from one community to another; consuming, freely, from a wide universe of sources; publishing, from each individual to any number and any size of audience – this is the consumer of the age we live in” the empowered consumer

8 Nick Haley US Study by eMarketer in April 2008 shows that content creators are going to grow from 77m to 108m by 2012 consumers are in control

9 walled garden walled gardens

10 Triangle Slide 90% 9% 1% the masses actively engaged co-creators intimate passive active open some of the principles of co-creation

11 Headbox collaborating with empowered consumers 14-25 year olds… 25-45 year olds… women youth

12 Helix Process meaningful co-creation

13 Axe co-creation case study brief approach results collaborate with consumers to create a new limited edition variant of Axe 5 names, can designs, press adverts, digital solutions & activation plans presented to a high standard with high res visuals 16 creative Axe consumers attended a workshop in Spain workshop covers insights to activation ideas consumers develop ideas for 3 weeks after workshop (with mentoring from Face) presentation to senior Unilever stakeholders with high res visuals & communication ideas brief

14 co-creating online

15 role of research has to change

16 spreading word of mouth

17 Face book Chris Oddy passionate advocates

18 non-users irregulars loyalists advocates co-creators active passive intimate open consumption community connected collaboration

19 non-users irregulars loyalists advocates co-creators active passive intimate open emotional creative meaningful practical Functional task focused

20 sweet spot of influential consumers who are willing to play a role in shaping & influencing your brand brand relationship influencing Overlay influence to find the sweet spot

21 Company Co-Creation a co-creation revolution or a co-creation fad?

22 the co-creation revolution revoluce spolecne tvorby a spoluprace dekuji vsem za pozornost a doufam ze se vam libila Andrew Needham Founding Partner

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