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Problem  My problem is that my fishing bait has to go into my pocket when I go fishing. The hooks often jag into the material of the pockets. This makes.

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2 Problem  My problem is that my fishing bait has to go into my pocket when I go fishing. The hooks often jag into the material of the pockets. This makes it extremely hard to get them out. To overcome this problem I am going to make a bait box to remove the lures easily from of my pocket.

3 Mind Map

4 Existing Products  This lure box is too dark and has no dividers. However it has hinges an a good catch.  This lure box is very nice, it is nicely finished but there is no dividers.  This lure box is like the one I will be designing but I will be adding dividers onto it and one compartment will have holes drilled into it to let a lure dry.

5 Anthropometrics  I will be designing my project for anyone of any age who would like a wooden fishing box and it must be quite light in weight. This product must fit into an average persons hand and be easy to open.

6 What Am I Using this Project For  I am using this project to carry my fishing bait. And stop the hooks from jagging into my pockets, this makes it difficult to remove them from my pocket.

7 Other Research I Have Carried Out  I have looked on the internet, looked in magazines, books and newspapers to look at ideas of fishing boxes.

8 Specification  It must be strong and not fall apart.  It mustn't be too big or too heavy.  It must look nice.  It must hold the bait securely.  It mustn't have sharp corners.  It must have rounded corners.

9 Materials I will be using pine for the exterior of my project and ply for the internal dividers inside my fishing box. I am using pine because it has a good finish and is easy to work with.

10 Final Choice And Reasons  I have chosen this design because it is unique and looks good. It won’t be easy to make but it won’t be too complicated.

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