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Published byCamilla Townsend Modified over 9 years ago
BEFORE WE START: Great Job everyone at the Pep Rally on Friday!! -ATHLETES -BAND -SONG -CHOIR -ASB -THE CROWD YOU GUYS ROCKED!!
A little background… Indo Europeans a group of seminomadic people who came from the steppes (dry grasslands of western Asia) Many different languages 1700 BC these people began to leave their homelands and migrated to other settled locations. Invaded and conquered the land and the people of the Indus Valley. ARYANS
A CASTE SYSTEM DEVELOPS!!! Aryans (the name means NOBLES in their language) Referred to the people they found in India (The Indus Valley people!) as DASAS dark. Upon their arrival to India the Aryans were divided into SOCIAL CLASSES! The class that an Aryan belonged to determined his or her role in society
SECTION 2: ROOTS OF HINDUISM AND BUDDHISM Aryans and non Aryans (Dasas) followed their own forms of religion However with CULTURAL DIFFUSION the different gods began to blend together THIS CREATED TURMOIL AMONGST THE GROUPS!! WELCOME…… HINDUISM Unlike most other religions, Hinduism has no single founder, no single scripture, and no commonly agreed set of teachings.
Hinduism has hundreds of thousands of gods!! Hindus share a common world-view. VEDAS sacred literature that include prayers, magical spells, and instructions on how to preform rituals Upanishads another sacred book, initially written as dialogues between student and teacher Ultimately trying to obtain MOKSHA A STATE OF PERFECT UNDERSTANDING OF ALL THINGS
Ready to be confused?? Here we go!! ATMAN the individual soul of a living being BRAHMAN the world soul that contains and UNITES all atmans. Don’t get it? That’s okay because… This understanding of ATMAN and BRAHMAN does not happen in one lifetime!! REINCARNATION rebirth. A person’s soul is born again until MOKSHA is achieved! KARMA good or bad deeds that follow you into your next life!
Hinduism is always CHANGING! BRAHMAN the world soul Brahman has three different personalities of gods: 1. Brahma = the creat0r 2. Vishnu = the protector 3. Shiva = the destroyer TODAY: Hindus are free to choose the deity they want to worship. AND: they are free to choose which path they want to take for achieving MOKSHA….
WAYS TO ACHIEVE MOKSHA: 1. THE PATH OF RIGHT THINKING 2. THE PATH OF RIGHT ACTION 3. THE PATH OF RELIGIOUS DEVOTION The Hindu people were absolutely guided by their RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. Religious beliefs along with the caste system DOMINATED every aspect of a person’s life.
NEW RELIGIONS ARISE 1. Jainism everything in the universe has a soul and should not be harmed. Nonviolence (No ant killing!) Because of this…they generally work in occupations that would not bring harm to any creatures. (trade and commerce) $$$$$
BUDDHISM SIDDHARTHA GAUTAMA the founder of Buddhism Noble….there was a prophecy about Siddhartha even before his birth – that he would become a world ruler or spiritual leader. His dad isolated him to make sure he would be a RULER!! At 29 years of age had only gone outside of the palace 4 TIMES! (Super lame) Decided to spend his life searching for religious truth and end suffering (good work Siddhartha!)
Siddartha wandered…. The forest of India for six years seeking ENLIGHTENMENT. (Wisdom) Sat under a fig tree and meditated for 49 days and finally achieved the understanding of the cause of suffering in the world. From this point, he is known as THE BUDDHA (The enlightened one)
JUST LIKE A STAIRCASE You had to master one step at a time!!! Most often, this would happen over many lifetimes! What is that called? Reincarnation!!
IF YOU FOLLOW THIS EIGHTFOLD PATH THAN ANYONE COULD….. Reach NIRVANA! release from selfishness and pain. The Buddha’s teachings included many ideas from Hinduism! Similarities = Moksha and Nirvana breaking the chains of reincarnation However it REJECTED MANY OF THE GODS FROM HINDUISM HE HATED THE PRIVILEGES OF THE BRAHMIN WHO WERE…… PRIESTS!
Buddhism & Society Buddha rejected the social caste system!! Because of this, many of his followers were craftspeople. Fyi But he reluctantly admitted women! (Boo!) distraction Monks & Nuns took solemn vows, lives of poverty, missionaries Sangha community of monks and priests
SACRED LITERATURE Of Buddhism Written down shortly after the Buddha’s death Commentaries Rules about MONASTIC life How to meditate Legends about the Buddha’s previous reincarnations
Buddhism on the MOVE… Missionaries are important in spreading Buddhism TRADE promoted the spread of Buddhism Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, China Carried along the Silk Road remember not an actual road!! ONE OF THE MOST WIDESPREAD RELIGIONS IN EAST ASIA. FROM KOREA TO JAPAN Small amount now though in India. TRADE TRADE TRADE = CULTURAL DIFFUSION
JUDAISM 2000-600 BC LOCATION Between…
PALESTINE Philistines They lived in Palestine --> nomadic people CANAAN ancient home of the Hebrew later called THE JEWS Like the Aryans. Everyone needs a home! By land Palestine connected Egypt and Asia. Mediterranean and Red Seas ACCORDING TO OUR BIBLE Canaan was the land God had promised the HEBREW PEOPLE>
THE TORAH Early history of the Hebrews found in THE TORAH (Hebrew Bible) IN OUR BIBLE The Torah is part of the OLD TESTATMENT (THE FIVE BOOKS OF MOSES) Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy SACRED WRITINGS!!!!!
ABRAHAM In the Torah, God chose ABRAHAM to be the father of the Hebrew People Shepard in Ur, in Mesopotamia God commanded him to move his people from Ur to Canaan. (1800 BC) God = YAHWEH UNLIKE EVERYONE ELSE HEBREWS WERE MONOTHEISTIC. Mutual Promise between Yahweh and his people = COVENANT (agreement)
At this time…. The Hebrews were roaming. They went to Egypt drought and famine. Later forced into Slavery LET MY PEOPLE GO!!!! THE EXODUS (Passover) Who lead this exodus??
MOSES!!!! Born in Egypt At the time Egyptian Pharaoh felt threatened by Hebrews Every Hebrew male baby to be killed! Moses’ mother hid him Found, adopted When God/Yahweh, commanded him to lead the Jews out of Egypt he DID!! (You go Moses!)
Hebrews were on the move… Moses went to pray on Mt. Sinai (SY-NY) God spoke to him The Ten Commandments God promised to protect the Hebrews. They promised to keep his commandments. Thus we have a: NEW COVENANT
WANDERING FOR 40 YEARS!! SO LONG!! Settled finally in Canaan no longer nomadic 12 tribes with judges DEBORAH prominent judge, a woman CODE OF LAWS similar to Hammurabi’s Code Included ten commandments and other laws AN EYE FOR AN EYE Told to us by the PROPHETS
ACT RIGHT & WORSHIP GOD Simple, right? Okay moving on then! THESE 12 TRIBES UNITE WITH AN ARMY. Judah was one of the biggest tribes Thus why Hebrews were called Jews and the religion JUDAISM. United under: King Saul. UNITING in one kingdom called: ISRAEL
After Saul’s Death… Son-in-law DAVID Very popular Established JERUSALEM as the Capital of Israel He dies. Followed by his son: SOLOMON THE MOST POWERFUL OF THE HEBREW KINGS. WHY? Built a trading empire. Built a magnificent temple. TO GLORIFY GOD OF COURSE!
THE KINGDOM DIVIDES….. All of this stuff going on COSTS MONEY TAXES People weren’t happy. After Solomon’s death the kingdom divides!! 922 BC ISRAEL in the north JUDAH in the south
Both end up LOSING!! Israel and Judah lose their independence Israel to the ASSYRIANS Who were the Assyrians? Judah eventually falls to the BABYLONIANS NEBUCHADNEZZAR – Babylonian king Jerusalem falls people forced to relocate to Babylon Cyrus the Great Conquers Babylon allows Jews to return to Jerusalem OTHER EMERGING EMPIRES: Persians, Greeks and Romans.
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