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BEFORE WE START: Great Job everyone at the Pep Rally on Friday!! -ATHLETES -BAND -SONG -CHOIR -ASB -THE CROWD YOU GUYS ROCKED!!

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Presentation on theme: "BEFORE WE START: Great Job everyone at the Pep Rally on Friday!! -ATHLETES -BAND -SONG -CHOIR -ASB -THE CROWD YOU GUYS ROCKED!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 BEFORE WE START: Great Job everyone at the Pep Rally on Friday!! -ATHLETES -BAND -SONG -CHOIR -ASB -THE CROWD YOU GUYS ROCKED!!


3 A little background…  Indo Europeans  a group of seminomadic people who came from the steppes (dry grasslands of western Asia)  Many different languages  1700 BC  these people began to leave their homelands and migrated to other settled locations.  Invaded and conquered the land and the people of the Indus Valley.  ARYANS

4 A CASTE SYSTEM DEVELOPS!!!  Aryans (the name means NOBLES in their language)  Referred to the people they found in India (The Indus Valley people!) as DASAS  dark.  Upon their arrival to India  the Aryans were divided into SOCIAL CLASSES!  The class that an Aryan belonged to determined his or her role in society 



7 SECTION 2: ROOTS OF HINDUISM AND BUDDHISM  Aryans and non Aryans (Dasas) followed their own forms of religion  However with CULTURAL DIFFUSION  the different gods began to blend together  THIS CREATED TURMOIL AMONGST THE GROUPS!!  WELCOME……  HINDUISM  Unlike most other religions, Hinduism has no single founder, no single scripture, and no commonly agreed set of teachings.

8 Hinduism has hundreds of thousands of gods!!  Hindus share a common world-view.  VEDAS  sacred literature that include prayers, magical spells, and instructions on how to preform rituals  Upanishads  another sacred book, initially written as dialogues between student and teacher  Ultimately  trying to obtain MOKSHA  A STATE OF PERFECT UNDERSTANDING OF ALL THINGS

9 Ready to be confused?? Here we go!!  ATMAN  the individual soul of a living being  BRAHMAN  the world soul that contains and UNITES all atmans.  Don’t get it? That’s okay because…  This understanding of ATMAN and BRAHMAN does not happen in one lifetime!!  REINCARNATION  rebirth. A person’s soul is born again until MOKSHA is achieved!  KARMA  good or bad deeds that follow you into your next life!


11 Hinduism is always CHANGING!  BRAHMAN  the world soul  Brahman has three different personalities of gods:  1. Brahma = the creat0r  2. Vishnu = the protector  3. Shiva = the destroyer  TODAY: Hindus are free to choose the deity they want to worship.  AND: they are free to choose which path they want to take for achieving MOKSHA….

12 WAYS TO ACHIEVE MOKSHA:  1. THE PATH OF RIGHT THINKING  2. THE PATH OF RIGHT ACTION  3. THE PATH OF RELIGIOUS DEVOTION  The Hindu people were absolutely guided by their RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.  Religious beliefs along with the caste system DOMINATED every aspect of a person’s life.

13 NEW RELIGIONS ARISE  1. Jainism  everything in the universe has a soul and should not be harmed.  Nonviolence (No ant killing!)  Because of this…they generally work in occupations that would not bring harm to any creatures. (trade and commerce)  $$$$$

14 BUDDHISM  SIDDHARTHA GAUTAMA  the founder of Buddhism  Noble….there was a prophecy about Siddhartha even before his birth – that he would become a world ruler or spiritual leader.  His dad isolated him to make sure he would be a RULER!!  At 29 years of age  had only gone outside of the palace 4 TIMES! (Super lame)  Decided to spend his life searching for religious truth and end suffering  (good work Siddhartha!)

15 Siddartha wandered….  The forest of India for six years seeking ENLIGHTENMENT. (Wisdom)  Sat under a fig tree and meditated for 49 days and finally achieved the understanding of the cause of suffering in the world.  From this point, he is known as THE BUDDHA (The enlightened one)



18 JUST LIKE A STAIRCASE  You had to master one step at a time!!!  Most often, this would happen over many lifetimes!  What is that called?  Reincarnation!!

19 IF YOU FOLLOW THIS EIGHTFOLD PATH THAN ANYONE COULD…..  Reach NIRVANA!  release from selfishness and pain.  The Buddha’s teachings included many ideas from Hinduism!  Similarities = Moksha and Nirvana  breaking the chains of reincarnation  However it REJECTED MANY OF THE GODS FROM HINDUISM  HE HATED THE PRIVILEGES OF THE BRAHMIN WHO WERE……  PRIESTS!

20 Buddhism & Society  Buddha rejected the social caste system!!  Because of this, many of his followers were craftspeople.  Fyi  But he reluctantly admitted women! (Boo!)  distraction  Monks & Nuns  took solemn vows, lives of poverty, missionaries  Sangha  community of monks and priests

21 SACRED LITERATURE Of Buddhism  Written down shortly after the Buddha’s death  Commentaries  Rules about MONASTIC life  How to meditate  Legends about the Buddha’s previous reincarnations

22 Buddhism on the MOVE…  Missionaries are important in spreading Buddhism  TRADE promoted the spread of Buddhism  Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, China  Carried along the Silk Road  remember not an actual road!!  ONE OF THE MOST WIDESPREAD RELIGIONS IN EAST ASIA.  FROM KOREA  TO JAPAN  Small amount now though in India.  TRADE TRADE TRADE = CULTURAL DIFFUSION 



25 JUDAISM 2000-600 BC LOCATION Between…

26 PALESTINE  Philistines  They lived in Palestine --> nomadic people  CANAAN  ancient home of the Hebrew  later called THE JEWS  Like the Aryans. Everyone needs a home!  By land Palestine connected Egypt and Asia.  Mediterranean and Red Seas  ACCORDING TO OUR BIBLE  Canaan was the land God had promised the HEBREW PEOPLE>

27 THE TORAH  Early history of the Hebrews found in  THE TORAH  (Hebrew Bible)  IN OUR BIBLE  The Torah is part of the OLD TESTATMENT (THE FIVE BOOKS OF MOSES)  Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy  SACRED WRITINGS!!!!!

28 ABRAHAM  In the Torah, God chose ABRAHAM to be the father of the Hebrew People  Shepard in Ur, in Mesopotamia  God commanded him to move his people from Ur to Canaan. (1800 BC)  God = YAHWEH  UNLIKE EVERYONE ELSE  HEBREWS WERE MONOTHEISTIC.  Mutual Promise between Yahweh and his people = COVENANT (agreement)

29 At this time….  The Hebrews were roaming.  They went to Egypt  drought and famine.  Later forced into Slavery  LET MY PEOPLE GO!!!!  THE EXODUS  (Passover)  Who lead this exodus??

30 MOSES!!!!  Born in Egypt  At the time Egyptian Pharaoh felt threatened by Hebrews  Every Hebrew male baby to be killed!  Moses’ mother hid him  Found, adopted  When God/Yahweh, commanded him to lead the Jews out of Egypt he DID!! (You go Moses!)

31 Hebrews were on the move…  Moses went to pray on Mt. Sinai (SY-NY)  God spoke to him  The Ten Commandments  God promised to protect the Hebrews. They promised to keep his commandments.  Thus we have a:  NEW COVENANT

32 WANDERING FOR 40 YEARS!!  SO LONG!!  Settled finally in Canaan  no longer nomadic  12 tribes with judges  DEBORAH  prominent judge, a woman  CODE OF LAWS  similar to Hammurabi’s Code  Included ten commandments and other laws  AN EYE FOR AN EYE  Told to us by the PROPHETS

33 ACT RIGHT & WORSHIP GOD  Simple, right?  Okay moving on then!  THESE 12 TRIBES UNITE WITH AN ARMY.  Judah was one of the biggest tribes  Thus  why Hebrews were called Jews and the religion JUDAISM.  United under: King Saul.  UNITING in one kingdom called: ISRAEL

34 After Saul’s Death…  Son-in-law  DAVID  Very popular  Established JERUSALEM as the Capital of Israel  He dies.  Followed by his son: SOLOMON  THE MOST POWERFUL OF THE HEBREW KINGS. WHY?  Built a trading empire.  Built a magnificent temple. TO GLORIFY GOD OF COURSE!

35 THE KINGDOM DIVIDES…..  All of this stuff going on COSTS MONEY  TAXES  People weren’t happy.  After Solomon’s death the kingdom divides!! 922 BC  ISRAEL  in the north  JUDAH  in the south

36 Both end up LOSING!!  Israel and Judah lose their independence  Israel to the ASSYRIANS  Who were the Assyrians?  Judah eventually falls to the BABYLONIANS  NEBUCHADNEZZAR – Babylonian king  Jerusalem falls  people forced to relocate to Babylon  Cyrus the Great   Conquers Babylon  allows Jews to return to Jerusalem  OTHER EMERGING EMPIRES: Persians, Greeks and Romans.


38 REVIEW: 

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