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Ghana National M&E System. Ghana M&E System Starting point: Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS II). Outlines the national development priorities.

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1 Ghana National M&E System

2 Ghana M&E System Starting point: Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS II). Outlines the national development priorities across three pillars: –Macroeconomic stability and private sector competitiveness –Human resource development –Good governance and civic responsibility 159 ‘core’ indicators across the three pillars selected from the sector M&E frameworks

3 The GPRS II M&E Plan The M&E Plan contains: –The 159 core indicators –Roles and responsibilities for all key M&E stakeholders, including NDPC, OoP, MoFEP, GSS, sector ministries, provinces and districts. –A plan for M&E activities, including dissemination. –The budget.

4 The Annual Progress Report The APR is the center piece in the GPRS II M&E system. Contains the annual update of the 159 indicators – takes stock of progress towards targets. It is produced in the Q1 every year. Data is vetted by MDAs and GSS. Has been complemented by a CRC report that provides a qualitative alternative to the quantitative data in the APR.

5 Producers of Data Ghana Statistical Service: –Produces survey data according to a statistical master plan. –Challenge to prioritize surveys and sort out PSR issues. Sector ministries: –Produces administrative data: Districts collect data on a subset of 20 GPRS II indicators. NDPC and CSOs produce qualitative CRC and CSC surveys.

6 Dissemination of Data Is an online database where the GPRS and MDG indicators are available for all stakeholders. Challenge to enter and disaggregate data Dissemination of GPRS II and APR Both on the web and across the country – done by NDPC

7 Use of Data - Information APR is used in April to inform the budget support assessment. Informs the CG results matrix in June – where results are tied in with funding of the GPRS II pillars. Informs the budget negotiations that start in July.

8 The link between Results and Resources Every budget expenditure has to be ‘GPRS II vetted’ – e.g. relevance for GPRS II has to be agreed between NDPC and the requesting line ministry. Budget is GPRS II coded, so very expenditure has a GPRS II code. CG pledges are mapped against GPRS II priority focus area and sector. A three year ‘MTEF’ has been developed with DP (including HIPC) as well as GoG resources.

9 Challenges and Opportunities To select a core set of PRSP indicators from sector M&E frameworks. To collect quality and timely data on 159 indicators – Good to limit the number to a manageable number. And sector reporting cycles differ To harmonise M&E across sectors – sector and districts M&E guidelines developed. Some sectors have no M&E systems.

10 Challenges and Opportunities Move towards SWAPs so DPs can use sector M&E systems (not DP project) and M&E support will be for the sector. To capture and map all DP support across sectors and GPRS II priorities – both at national and sector levels. Ownership – M&E is often DP driven. MoF and OoP need to be engaged. Linking resources and results – value for money, impact, use of indicators to inform implementation and budget negotiations.

11 Challenges and Opportunities M&E is cross-cutting – both a challenge and opportunity. PRSP offers a way to streamline M&E from top to bottom. PRSP offers an opportunity to link the budget to results and hold MDAs accountable both for results and financially. It also offers a way to harmonize DP support across PRSP priorities – If Governments take ownership of the dialogue (Tanzania)

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