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Real Time: The Next Major Advance in Agency Workflow! Presented by the all industry Real Time/Download Campaign The webinar will begin shortly!

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Presentation on theme: "Real Time: The Next Major Advance in Agency Workflow! Presented by the all industry Real Time/Download Campaign The webinar will begin shortly!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Real Time: The Next Major Advance in Agency Workflow! Presented by the all industry Real Time/Download Campaign The webinar will begin shortly!

2 Jeff Yates ACT Executive Director

3 Participating on the call and Using GotoMeeting Using GotoMeeting You will see the presentation on your desk top. If you have a question, please type it into the Question and Answer log. We will either respond to questions at designated times throughout the session, or at the end.

4 Cal Durland ACORD AUGIE facilitator

5 Cyndy Smith Agent and Campaign Co-Chair

6 Karen Youngman Agent and Campaign Co-Chair

7 John Heinsz Agent – Campaign Contributor

8 Today’s Agenda Agent Implementation and Advocacy Real Time, Download Explanation Industry Initiatives Next Steps for Agents and Brokers

9 The Real Time Campaign is… A communication and advertising campaign designed to boost awareness among agencies and carriers Not selling a particular technology –In most cases, Real Time is already included in agency systems at no additional cost

10 Real Time is… The ability to click on a button from a client file in your agency management system or comparative rater for immediate access to carrier information on that client. The transaction may be a quote, billing inquiry, claim inquiry/loss runs, policy view, endorsements or a request for information. This approach provides a single workflow for servicing or quoting.

11 Managing Passwords Currently two options –Central management –Individual management Importance of keeping passwords in RT tool up-to-date Industry advocating for overall improvement (non-expiring, synchronization, advance notice of expiration, etc.)

12 SIS Bill Inquiry Demo John Heinsz Ability to use Transformation Station or Webconnect

13 Vertafore – Endorsement Cyndy Smith Using Vertafore Sagitta and TransactNow

14 Vertafore—PL Rating Cyndy Smith

15 Applied Rating Demo Karen Youngman Using Applied System – TAM Commercial Lines Round Trip & Bridge


17 Additional Insights Agents save time and money with Real Time even if it’s not offered by all of their carriers. Slow carrier real-time implementations can be fixed. Report the issue to your carrier. Work with your vendor and User Group to improve functionality.

18 Download… Electronic transmission of insurance transactions (e.g., policy, commission, claims) in ACORD standard format from the carrier to the agency management system Provides roundtrip of data back into the agency management system following a real-time transaction Enables customer servicing, cross-selling, agency management reports and real-time transactions

19 Growth in Commercial Lines Download Agent-Carrier Pairs Personal lines is over 170,000 partners 14% increase in CLDL

20 Commercial Lines Download Industry Response Priority for user groups, vendors, carriers, ACT and AUGIE Focus on Small Commercial Lines New minimum AL3 data requirements for BOP, property, GL, auto and workers comp Improved certification and testing AUGIE CL Download Implementation Guide

21 It’s Working! More agencies are using Real Time and asking their companies for it Companies with Real-time quoting see increase in quotes and business Where carrier reps promote their real-time capabilities, there is more agency usage






27 The Bottom Line… Real Time represents our future. It’s a superior workflow that will keep us competitive. We finally have the opportunity to realize the agents’ vision of single-entry, multi- company interface. Join us by taking the 21 Day Challenge, and experience what Real Time can do for your agency.

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