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Task DI-06-07 Progress report Gonéri Le Cozannet IGOS-Geohazards

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1 Task DI-06-07 Progress report Gonéri Le Cozannet IGOS-Geohazards

2 Task DI-06-07 overview Task objective: To conduct an inventory of existing geologic and all hazards zonation map and identifying gaps and needs for digitalization. Deliverables: Inventory and plan for action for digitalization Strategy: Global geohazard map inventory is a huge task Must be conducted in a distributed manner First step is gathering information on – where hazard maps exist – who created them IGOS Geohazards bureau approach: – Metadata acquisition – development and distribution of free Metadata Editor – Metadata publishing – provision of OGC Metadata catalogue

3 Achieved sub-tasks Development of a distributed metadata (ISO 19115) acquisition software Collecting requirements from the Geohazards Community of Practice: completed (1st quarter 2006) Development of the metadata editor software (with support of BRGM): almost completed (need for some minor refinements) Testing: completed (July 2006) Can be accessed through Organisations can use this tool to generate metadata on their hazard maps. They can then: Keep their records internally. Publish them via their own OGC standard catalogue Send them to the GEO Geohazard Map Catalogue (maintained by IGOS Geohazards bureau)

4 Work in progress Coordination with WMO to adapt this tool to meteorological hazards (initiated April 2006) Entering metadata on existing maps into the Editor: work started at French Geological Survey and Joint Research Center Publicize Metadata Editor: informing relevant organisations about this initiative and convincing them to use it Metadata Editor OGC Metadata Catalogue Catalogue can be Interrogated by other OGC client applications Metadata Acquisition Metadata Publishing Geospatial portal to present extent of hazard assessments Catalogue can index metadata stored in other OGC metadata catalogues

5 Barriers to successful achievement of deliverables To be successful, DI-06-07 requires that as much as possible organisations use this Metadata Editor and share their metadata. Issue: how to get these organisations involved? Strategy: Voluntary basis: showing benefits of this process through GEO network (Italy, Portugal Germany), IGOS Geohazards participating organisations, regional conferences, etc… Find funding: a proposal to the European commission to fund this activity in Europe is being prepared. Synergies with other projects (e.g. EC-Orchestra) Building on existing projects: ask funding agencies to include the sharing of Metadata on hazard maps in OGC format in their requirements (e.g.: ESA Globvolcano project)

6 Future workplan 2 nd Semester 2006: publicize Metadata Editor 2006/07…: Participating organisations to enter Metadata on Geohazards Mean term objective (2008/09): direct access to data Future project: Inventory of observing sensors suitable for Geohazards This includes inventory of: seismometer networks GPS networks satelite instruments suitable for Geohazards studies other in-situ and airborne instruments already existing websites delivering these data freely 2 nd Semester 2006: starting inventory of observing means

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