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Published byPreston McBride Modified over 9 years ago
BGREI Proposed ACTION PLAN 2012-13 New Delhi 25.04.2012 1
Chhattisgarh–An Overview Agro Climatic Zones Sub-divided into three agro climatic zones. Geog. area :138 lakh ha. Forest cover :63.36 lakh ha. (46%) Net sown area :47.75 lakh ha. (35 % of its geog. area) 57 % soil is medium to light. Average rainfall :1373 mm. Net Irrigated Area: 13.55 lakh ha (29%) Farm families:32.55 lakh 76% small & marginal Farmers 33% ST, 12 % SC Cropping intensity:135 % Northern Hills Zone Chhattisgarh Plains Zone Bastar Plateau Zone 2
MAJOR CONSTRAINTS Almost 3/4th cropped area is rainfed vagaries of mansoon adversely affects production and productivity. Mostly irrigation, through canals which provides protective irrigation. Domination of small / marginal farmers (76 %) and fragmented land holding. Low level of farm mechanization and fertilizer use. Out of 27 districts 18 districts are Naxal affected (67 %). Inadequate credit input supply system. Inadequate infrastructure. Area under irrigation, mainly through canal which provides protective irrigation. Domination of Tribal (33 %) and Scheduled Caste (12 %) population with low literacy.
Scenario of Rice Cultivation in Chhattisgarh Rice constitutes 75 % of total kharif cropped area. Around 76 % rice is sown by broadcast biasi method. 71 % area under rainfed condition. Situation-wise Percent rainfed area : Rainfed UplandRainfed mid landRainfed low land 45 %35 %20 % Prominent rice varieties : EarlyMediumLate IR-36, IR-64, Purnima MTU-1010, Mahamaya, Karma Masuri, Bambleshwari, HMT Swarna, BPT-5204, MTU- 1001, Local Scented Early and mid - duration varieties cover 60% of total Paddy area. Prominent Hybrid Varieties BayerPioneerDhanyaDevganDRR 6444PBH-71DRH-775RH-257KRH-2 4 Coverage of Hybrid Rice - 3% of total Rice area.
Drought affected Tehsils20072008200920102011633501126 Change in Area, Production & Productivity (Rice) lakh MT lakh Hact. kg/hect. 5
District Productivity Of Rice (Kg./Ha.) Fertilizer Consumption (Kg./Ha.) Irrigation % 20092010 2011 (Esst) 20092010 2011 (Esst) 2010 NFSM DISTRICT Raipur153414701579175.80194.51191.6756 Rajnandgaon8291672164295.3892.2584.0621 Kabirdham8631664163768.6768.8278.3926 Janjgir233726652621111.91115.48116.7977 Korba987125123222.6118.7325.986 Raigarh121214721711123.71104.0985.3423 Sarguja7611131131551.3645.3930.299 Jashpur11291454147413.346.0713.173 Koriya7601202131521.3424.0618.197 DantewadaIncl.Bijapur852195719404.855.705.765 District wise Rice Production, Fertilizer use & Irrigation %
District Productivity Of Rice (Kg./Ha.) Fertilizer Consumption (Kg./Ha.) Irrigatio n % 20092010 2011 (Esst) 20092010 2011 (Esst) 2010 NON NFSM DISTRICT Mahasmund118218541821102.44115.5973.6029 Dhamtari192724202632231.61180.96149.0076 Durg83718901858151.35104.32116.3843 Bilaspur108317651684113.35124.45110.7141 Bastar Incl. Narayanpur 11531684169332.0018.2315.363 Kanker13262320227453.7551.5750.4213 Cont. …
Physical and Financial Progress under BGREI - Year 2010-11 Unit : Rs. in lakhs S. No. Particular Revised Sanction Achievement (2010-11) Achievement (2011-12) Total Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 12345678910 1 Integrated Nutrition Management Balance dfertilizer kits for Rice (0.4 ha) 35000262.5026975202.315802560.18535000262.50 2 Seed+ fertilizer Kits to forest dwellers 800001000.0072455905.682744594.318800001000.00 3 Tractor Hire charges for Line sowing 200012.44177412.990--200012.99 4 Distribution of seed minikits of pulse & oilseeds 90000270.00136640208.303--90000208.303 5 Construction of Checkdam 2002000.002011919.3412380.6592242000.00
Unit : Rs. in lakhs S. No. Particular Revised Sanction Achievement (2010-11) Achievement (2011-12) Total Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 12345678910 6 Construction of Minor Irrigation Tanks 802000.00991981.746118.2541002000.00 7 Sugarcane Demonstration -0.5 ha. 2022196.202041148.745105078.6863091227.43 8 Hybrid Rice Demonstration PPP Mode 15000250.00--16150250.9816150250.98 9 Subsidy to farmer for Well and Pumps as per Shakambhari Yojna norms 701.36 730.606-730.606 10 Administrative Expenses 22.19 16.5565.63422.19 Total 6714.69 6126.283588.72 6715.00 (100%) Contd... Fund released - Rs. 6615.00 lakhs.
ACHIEVEMENTS UNDER BGREI - 2011-12 Unit : Rs. in lakhs S. No. Components Programme Sanction by SLSC Revised Sanction by State Achievement ( upto March 12) Balance Amt. Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 123456789 1 Rice Block Demonstration (a) Rainfed Upland9000712.109000558.859000558.850 (b) Shallow Low land180001424.20180001121.20180001121.200 (c) Irrigated - HYV11000753.7011000634.0711000634.070 (d) Irrigated - Hybrid100078.20100067.46100067.460 Hybrid Maize-0.005000.00325.005000297.9927.01 Total Demonstration390002968.20440002706.58440002679.5727.01 2Assesst Building (A) Dugwell Unit Cost : Rs. 30000 600180.00600153.0021564.7088.30 (B)Borewell/Tubewell40001220.004000499.623637400.6299.00
Unit : Rs. in lakhs Unspent Balance under S.No. 2 (Assest Building) may kindly be revalidated for same components during 2012-13. Note : Drilling of Tube wells and construction of Checkdems are under progress Contd... S. No Components Programme Sanction by SLSC Revised Sanction by State Achievement ( upto March 12) Balance Amt. Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 123456789 3Site Specific Needs (a) Support to Forest Dwellers (Seed + Fertilizer) 14297175.0014297154.0814258154.080 (b) Runoff management Structure (b) Construction of : Checkdam 48477.901501366.1892814.13552.05 (c) Construction of Minor Irrigation Tanks 20500.0032641.6432641.640 Total-2552.90-2814.52-2075.17739.35 Grand Total -5521.10- - 4754.74 (86%) 766.36
Paired rows of Arhar Inter-cropping Paired rows of Arhar and five rows of Soybean Early Stage Adv.Stage 13
BGREI SCHEME 2010-11 – Check Dams & Minor Irrigation Tanks 14
BGREI SCHEME 2011-12 – Rice Demonstration
GRAM SURAJ ABHIYAN 2012 Hon. CM Hon. Minister (Agriculture) Hon. Minister (Town & Country Planing)Hon. Chairman CGBKVN 16
Proposed Modification 1.As per BGREI guideline this scheme will be implemented in only Non NFSM district. where as component like assets building is not covered under NFSM hence this restriction should be relaxed. 2. Block demonstration of Rice. A. Cluster size may be reduced from 1000 ha. to 200 ha. B. The pattern of assistance should be revised as per proposed norms. C. Financial assistance for chemical fertilizer should be given particularly in tribal districts where as Fertilizer consumption is very low. 3.State may be permitted for inter-componental diversion of fund with in the limit of 20% of the total allocation.
Proposed Modification S. N Activity Existing Norms fixed by GOI (Rs./Ha) Proposed Norms Proposed Norms 1Deep Ploughing and Land Preparation15000 It is proposed that instead of providing input wise / activity wise fixed assistance, a lumpsum total amount Rs. 7500/- per ha. should be kept flexible for different inputs including chemical fertilizer, so that if there is any saving in one input that can be utilized for other input as per requirement. 2Seed2000 3Direct Seeding (Line Sowing by drum seeder)/Transplanting15000 4Seed Treatment25 to 1200 5Chemical Fertilizer02800 6Micro Nutrient 6.A Zinc875850 6. BBoron2750 7Weed Management6401200 8Plant Protection700 9Staff Cost / Hand Holding :9.A Honorarium60 9. BMobility60 10Progressive Farmers10.AHonorarium600 10. BMobility600 11Provision of Drum Seeder700 12Travel Cost for KVK scientist/State Officials/GOI Officers1000 13 Demonstration Baord, Training materials, Farmer Training, Filed day, POL, vehical highering 050 Total7817 to 79127500
(B) Asset Building - Drilling of Bore well : - Prevailing subsidy norms under state sector schemes for this purpose are as follows: Drilling PumpTotal SC/ST Farmers180002500043000 Other Farmers100001500025000 Due to rise in drilling cost and price of casing pipe SLSC has accorded approval in the year 2011-12 to utilize this amount for topping up the subsidy given by state. Hence a top up subsidy of Rs. 7000/- for SC / ST and Rs. 15000/- for Gen. farmers was approved. Same pattern of assistance under this component should be approved for 2012-13
S. No ComponentTentative Target Fixed by GOIProgramme Proposed by State Cost NormsPhy. (Nos) Fin.Cost NormsPhy. (Nos)Fin. No.Ha. 1Demonstration of Rice - 1000 ha size 200 ha size iUpland RiceRs 7912/- / ha. 201582.40 Rs 7500/- / ha60 12000900.00 ii Shallow water RiceRs 7912/- / ha. 251978.00 Rs 7500/- / ha105 210001575.00 iii HYVRs 7852/- / ha. 403140.80 Rs 7500/- / ha75 150001125.00 iv Hybrid RiceRs 7817/- / ha. 151172.55 Rs 7500/- / ha10 2000150.00 Total- 1007873.75 -250 500003750.00 2Asset Building - iDugwell/Borewell Rs 30,000/- / No.87502625.00 Rs 07 to 15 Thou per No. 2000 500.00 3Site Specific Needs - i Construction of Checkdam - - 2651.25 Av. Cost Rs. 10.00 lacs each 200 2000.00 ii Construction of Minor Irrigation Tank - - Av. Cost Rs. 25.00 lacs each 80 2000.00 Total- -2651.25 -- 4000.00 4 Contingent Expense (Operational /Monitoring ) 25.00 Grand Total- -13150.00 -- 8275.00 BGREI - Proposed programme for 2012-13 Fin. in Lakh Rs.
KHARIF PLAN 2012 Crops Area (000 Ha.)Production (000 MT)Productivity (kg/ha) Kharif 2011 (Est.) Kharif 2012 (Target) % Increase / decrease Kharif 2011 (Est.) Kharif 2012 (Target) % Increase / decrease Kharif 2011 (Est.) Kharif 2011 (Target) Rice 3615.213600.0006362.776480.00217601800 Maize 185.96188.001337.52342.16118151820 Minor Millets 72.5880.001030.0232.257414403 Total Cereals 3873.753868.0006730.316854.41217371772 Arhar 142.47150.00592.6199.007650660 Urd + Moong 204.78208.00288.5491.784432441 Other Pulses 54.8450.00-918.3421.2516334425 Total Pulses 393.09408.004199.47212.036507520 Soybean 151.25152.000181.50190.00512001250 Niger 87.1290.00323.0924.305265270 Other Oilseeds 104.80110.50593.12100.097889906 Total Oilseeds 343.17352.503297.71314.396868892 Other Crops 149.85150.0000.00 000 Grand Total 4759.864778.5007227.507380.83215181545
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