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Lesson Outline: Explore To broaden the students understanding of the range of roles and jobs available in the working world by exploring the career pathway.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Outline: Explore To broaden the students understanding of the range of roles and jobs available in the working world by exploring the career pathway."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Outline: Explore To broaden the students understanding of the range of roles and jobs available in the working world by exploring the career pathway of the BA To recap skills and qualities and link to Interview process. To start to explore the recruitment and selection process. To consider employability skills from the employers perspective. To identify where skills and qualities are used inside and outside of school and introduce STAR model to communicate achievements. Activity 1: How do People Get a job? Small groups mindmap/list. Activity 2: What Employers Want, worksheet looking at skills and qualities, ranking in order that employers want. Activity 3: A Week in Your Life, written activity where students link own day to day activity to development of skills needed in employment. Activity 4: STAR model used to communicate achievements.


3 What is Careers Lab helps us understand how to be successful in our careers by bringing Business Ambassadors to talk to us throughout our time in school. Today we will look at how to do well at interview and what employers really want. Then we can think about what we do now that will help us succeed when we go to work.

4 Welcome to our Business Ambassador. Please can you tell us about your job? Who do you work for and what do they do? How long have you worked there? Is this your first job? What do you need to be good at to be successful in your job? Any other questions from the class?

5 How do people get a job? How did our Ambassador get their job? How did our teacher get their job? What is the recruitment process in your company? What do employers want?

6 A survey asked 63 employers which qualities they prized most in recruiting young people

7 1 Good attendance 2 Willingness to listen 3 Respect for others 4 Good team working skills 5 Regular punctuality 6 Smart appearance at interview/work 7 Honesty & integrity 8 A ‘can-do’ attitude 9 A desire to work 10 Politeness

8 A Week in Your Life Looking at your own experience and see what skills and qualities you are already using in your life. You will find more then you expect once you start!

9 Also known as “Tell ‘em what you did and then tell ‘em what you learned…..”

10 STAR example. Have you ever taken responsibility? Situation: Peter helps at his local youth club, every Wednesday between 4 and 5.30. Task: Peter has to make sure the children have all signed in. For new children just starting at the Youth Club he explains what happens and shows them around too. Actions: Peter welcomes everyone who comes in and introduces them to the other he talks to them. children. He makes sure they can join in and take part if they are nervous or shy. Results: Peter enjoys seeing the children have fun and enjoys making sure everyone has a good time at the Youth Club. He also understands why it is important to keep accurate records of who attends for health and safety reasons.

11 And finally What would each student tell someone at home about today? What would our Business Ambassadors tell their boss about today?

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