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Understanding Observations

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Observations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Observations
(with Observation & Inference handout)

2 Definition of observation
Gathering data by use of your senses or tools that extend your senses

3 Qualitative observations
Characteristics or properties

4 Quantitative observations
Counting or measuring

5 How can you remember the difference?
(Qual)itative: related to quality = characteristic (Quant)itative: related to quantity = number


7 Definition of inference
Conclusion drawn from using both observation and background knowledge

8 Difference between observation and inference
Observation is just what you perceive with your senses. Inference adds in what you know from past learning and experience to explain what you observe.

9 Examples It is a candle There appear to be 3 red and 4 yellow spots
He was absent because he was sick She is in college It is rotten It feels smooth He sounds like a mouse It looks like it has 8 legs It tastes like spoiled milk He is 6 ft. 5 in.



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