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1) Please take out your scientist biography. If you emailed your scientist biography and the “subject” for your email did NOT have: 1)Your first and last.

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Presentation on theme: "1) Please take out your scientist biography. If you emailed your scientist biography and the “subject” for your email did NOT have: 1)Your first and last."— Presentation transcript:

1 1) Please take out your scientist biography. If you emailed your scientist biography and the “subject” for your email did NOT have: 1)Your first and last name 2)The period you have science 3)The name of the scientist you researched YOUR EMAIL WILL BE DELETED!

2 Inquiry: What is the difference between a qualitative and a quantitative observation? Instructions: (“Business before pleasure”) 1)Take out your Science binder. 2)On your table of contents: Copy the Date, Inquiry, and page number you are beginning today’s notes on. 3) Go to the page that you will be coping your note on today: a) Number your page b) Copy your Inquiry. 4) Get ready to work!

3 Inquiry: What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative observations? View the picture below and list 5 observations. (3 observations should have numbers and 2 should not) Observations Without Numbers 1) _____________________ 2) _____________________ 3) _____________________ With Numbers 4) _____________________ 5) _____________________

4 Observation: info. gathered by using any of your 5 senses Inquiry: What is the difference between qualitative and a quantitative observation? Qualitative (kwal-i-ta-tive) (QL) Quantitative (kwan-ti-ta-tive) (QN) An observation that does NOT use numbers Describes quality Ex. Tastes bitter, red roses An observation that uses numbers Describes quantity Ex. 5 roses, 10 inches

5 Task: We will be going outside in the yard to record @ least 20 qualitative observations (@ least 3 hearing-based, and 2 touch-based) and @ least 15 quantitative observations. You will have 15 minutes to record all of your observations. After 15 minutes, meet us by the door to reenter the school. Procedure for being in the hallway and outside. 1)Be responsible and kind to the other classes by keeping your volume low. 2)Be responsible and aware of your surrounding. a)There may be kids in the yard. 3) DO NOT LEAVE THE SCHOOL YARD UNLESS WE GIVE YOUR PERMISSION! Inquiry: What is the difference between qualitative and a quantitative observation?

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