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“Trusted” Computing Platform Alliance Eric L. Frederich COT 4810 Nov. 4 th 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "“Trusted” Computing Platform Alliance Eric L. Frederich COT 4810 Nov. 4 th 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Trusted” Computing Platform Alliance Eric L. Frederich COT 4810 Nov. 4 th 2004

2 Overview Definitions About TCPA Known Implementations Hypotheticals / Drawbacks Ethics Summary

3 Definitions TCPA –Trusted Computing Platform alliance –Alliance between Microsoft, Intel, IBM, HP, and AMD to promote a “safer” computing environment through the use of hardware. – Solution to everything…spam, viruses, worms Aliases –Palladium (Microsoft) –NGSCB Next Generation Secure Computing Base (Microsoft) –Safer Computing (Intel)

4 About TCPA Mid 1990’s Intel hardware security –Pentium III serial number Senator Fritz Hollings of South Carolina –Out of office this year –Government stake Creates a trusted layer between hardware and user. –Removes ownership of applications and data from you. –Places ownership in the hands of the content industry and software vendors Security for the media from the user Automatic document destruction –Triggered either by time or by request

5 About TCPA Microsoft –Stop viruses by preventing the running of malicious programs. –Store personal data within an encrypted folder. –Depends on hardware that has either a digital signature or a tracking number. –Filters spam. –Personal information sharing agent called "My Man." –The system will incorporate Digital Rights Management technologies for media files of all types (music, documents, e- mail communications). Additionally, the system purports to transmit data within the computer via encrypted paths. …continued

6 Known Implementations TransmetaCrusoe TM8500 NationalPC21100 AtmelAT97SC3201 American MegatrendsAMIBIOS8 IBMThinkpad X30, Netvista STMicroST19XP18 InfineonSLD9630_TT_1.1 Lexmark printer cartridges Palladium… Xbox ?

7 Hypotheticals / Drawbacks Documents –Expiration dates –A company stops supporting it’s software or increases prices of licenses to an unreasonable amount. –Cannot use any other software to view DRM documents created with the software Remote Censorship CD’s –Could only be played with one media player –Could only be playable a certain number of day’s or times Gives large corporations / government ability to do whatever they want with your computer. Most likely will include a backdoor for the FBI “in 2010 President Clinton may have two red buttons on her desk - one that sends the missiles to China, and another that turns off all the PCs in China”

8 Ethics Vigilantism –Large companies enforcing laws that they’re not responsible for enforcing. –Taking huge liberties on interpretation the laws Use of TCPA functionality of your hardware is optional, as is gasoline in an automobile –Do we want to be dependant on these big corporations the same way we’re dependant on middle eastern countries for oil? Legalized logic bombs Performance Chips on your vehicle would be illegal Helps big companies, discourages competition

9 Summary TCPA is a TRAP Do you want a company notorious for its security flaws to be in charge of your computer’s security? Anti-competitive practices are bad for the consumer.

10 References palladium.html palladium.html el_loves_palladium/ el_loves_palladium/ 02/jul02/0724palladiumwp.asp 02/jul02/0724palladiumwp.asp b_overview.mspx b_overview.mspx

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