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 What is Ubiquitous Computing? › Post-Desktop computing › Computing deeply integrated into everyday things or processes › Requires cost-efficient networked.

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2  What is Ubiquitous Computing? › Post-Desktop computing › Computing deeply integrated into everyday things or processes › Requires cost-efficient networked devices

3  What is the Internet of Things? › Refers to uniquely identifiable things and their virtual representations in an internet like structure › Can use identification to query for information about a given object › Requires Ubiquitous Computing

4  A user enters a building › Automatically inventories devices in the building using unique identifier (IOT)  User wants to perform an action (e.g. Turn on lights) › User switches on lights through some interface, which accesses item through network (UbiComp) › Status of object is updated in representation (IOT)

5  Inventory Control › Personal, Industrial, City-Wide? Nationwide?  Automation › Home, Office, Public Space?  Data Mining › Interactions of objects to create ontology › New genre of data object representation and accessibility  Others?

6  What defines ownership? › “Real” life? › “Internet” life?  Access to non-owned items? › Borrowing, Renting, Sharing  Theft › What defines theft in an online sense?

7  Similar real ethical code › Differs by culture, religion, other factors  Abandoned on the Web? › Trolls, Forum Elitism › Piracy?

8  DRM › Current State of DRM  Other Solutions?

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