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The MDE Program Evaluation Tool (PET) Lessons Learned & Support Documents MERA Fall Conference November, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "The MDE Program Evaluation Tool (PET) Lessons Learned & Support Documents MERA Fall Conference November, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 The MDE Program Evaluation Tool (PET) Lessons Learned & Support Documents MERA Fall Conference November, 2015

2 Rationale for Convening a PET Committee/Squad  Obtain feedback from year 1  Review a random sample and make recommendations  Provide additional support and coaching  Ensure implementation with fidelity  Support districts in submitting high quality PET  Impact student achievement as result of quality PET

3 Members of the PET Squad/Committee Shereen Tabrizi, MDE Jennifer Allen, Port Huron PS Jason Almerigi, Oakland Schools Nate Beelen, MDE Ben Boerkoel, Kent ISD Jolia Hill, WRESA Maura Sedgeman, Dearborn PS Sibyl Stclair, Detroit PS Beth Still, Traverse City Area PS Diane Walker, Detroit PS Kathleen Miller, Shiawassee RESD Shannon Path, Waterford PS Tonda Boothby, Van Buren ISD

4 Presentation Goals  Review the role and benefits of the MDE Program Evaluation Tool (PET) within the continuous improvement process  Explore lessons learned from PET 2015 submissions  Become familiar with MDE‘s PET support documents

5 State and Federal Requirements ❑ Annual evaluation of the implementation and impact of the School Improvement Plan ❑ Modification of the plan based on evaluation results ❑ Annual evaluation of all federal programs—effectiveness & impact on student achievement, including subgroups ❑ Modification of the plan based on evaluation results MICHIGANFEDERAL  ISDs/RESAs are required by PA25 to provide technical assistance to schools and districts to develop annual evaluations.  ESEA requires annual evaluations of programs funded by the federal programs such as Title I, Part A, C, D; Title II and Title III.

6 Purpose of the Program Evaluation Tool  Maximize impact on student achievement  Close subgroup achievement gaps  Ensure that high quality planning, implementation and evaluation  Ensure ongoing engagement of multiple stakeholders (students, teachers, parents/community, administrators)  Maximize the use of resources  Review documentation to inform future decision-making  Meet state and federal requirements.

7 MDE’s PET Committee discovered….  Over 3500 PET submissions with few technical assistance calls  Questions in ASSIST Diagnostic differed from original PET template  Wide interpretation and responses to sub-questions  Lack of measureable objectives  Written summaries did not convey actual processes  TOT model has not yet reached all PET users  Additional scaffolding and resources are needed

8 Response to “Lessons Learned” Developed additional tools and resources:  Established criteria for reviewing Program Evaluation submissions  Completed Program Evaluation Template that includes tips from the Criteria document (aligned to ASSIST)  Created two exemplars  Restructured the PET (sequence to match the process)  Will provide additional training opportunities, coaching & modeling.

9 Criteria for Reviewing Program Evaluations

10 Program Evaluation Template

11 Exemplars

12 New Tools & Resources  Criteria for Reviewing Program Evaluations  PET Template with Tips  Exemplars All are posted on

13 PET Squad Timeline for Trainings & Coaching Presentations at MI conferences:  Special Populations, Fall 2015  School Improvement, Fall 2015  MERA, Fall 2015  MAS/FPS, Winter 2016  Testing Conference, Winter 2016  AdvancED, Spring 2016  MI Evaluation Association National Conferences:  National Title I, II and III conference  American Evaluation Association Training of Trainers (TOT)  MSIFN, Fall 2015  Pre ISD conference, Fall 2015  MDE & ISD TOTs, Fall 2015-Summer, 2016  LEAs training their school personnel Other  Webinars  Conference calls, emails, etc.

14 Contact Information Shereen Tabrizi, Ph.D. Education Consultant Manager, OFS-MDE 517 373-6066 Contact your regional OFS consultant

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