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Next Generation Science with Inelastic X-ray Scattering

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Presentation on theme: "Next Generation Science with Inelastic X-ray Scattering"— Presentation transcript:

1 Next Generation Science with Inelastic X-ray Scattering
Clement Burns Western Michigan University Thanks to: Yuri Shyvd’ko, Ercan Alp, Ayman Said (APS) Peter Abbamonte (UIUC) Zahid Hasan (Princeton)

2 Six Challenges for Physics
National Research Council Review of Physics (2001) Developing quantum technologies Understanding complex systems Applying physics to biology Creating new materials Exploring the universe Unifying the forces of nature NRC for physics

3 Energy - Momentum Relationships

4 Focus with X-ray Mirrors Small Beam
High flux for experiments IXS flux hungry technique >1016 P=photon/sec-0.1% bandwidth Small beam size (<4 x 40 mm2) High pressure work Nanomaterials New materials E.g., MgB2 Devices Surfaces Environmental But… start 2014                                            NSLS II 1014 photons 100 meV width at 10 keV, 1012 at 1 meV Don’t just do the same experiments /Highlights/2002/Imaging/IMA8/fig103

5 Science with 0.1 meV Resolution

6 Need for Higher Resolution
DNA Liu, J. Chem. Phys. 123, 1.5 meV Sette Johnny von Neumann used to say, 'with four parameters I can fit an elephant and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk quote by Fermi Pilla et al, PRL 85, 2136 (2000) DNA Krisch PRE 73, DHO Memory Fun.

7 Science at 0.1 meV 1 meV resolution does not mean one can study excitations with an energy of 1 meV Large background from elastic High resolution and good elastic rejection From Yuri Shvyd’ko

8 Reinstäder, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 108107 (2004)
Possible Science Low energy excitations in polymers Related to wetting, adhesion.. Lipid membranes Mapping superconducting band gap with phonons Dynamics of glasses Lipids fat soluble molecules (includes cholesterol) Inoue, PRL 95, (2005) Reinstäder, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, (2004)

9 0.1 meV Science BRISP Neutron Brillouin IUVS inelastic ultraviolet scattering, From Ruocco

10 Science with 1 meV Resolution

11 Some Ideas at 1 meV Extreme environments – low temperature, high field, ultrahigh pressure Small samples Down to nanoparticle size (High pressure) Surface phonons Grazing incidence requires small beam 10’ yields ~1.5 mm on sample Most current techniques require high vacuum Exotic excitations Orbitons Resonant scattering? Pulse probe technique – phonons in excited states Can also do scattering under other extreme environments – high field, low temperature

12 Extreme Environments High pressure High Temperature
Levitated Liquids High pressure High Temperature High magnetic fields Low temperature Heating issues Sinn, Science 299, 2047 (2003)

13 Small Samples New materials – e.g., phonons in MgB2
Samples/regions in crystals - Pu Really small ? 100 nm? Smaller? Nanotubes? Wong et. al, Science 301, 1071 (2003)

14 Surface Phonon Scattering
IXS can do both on same sample 2-d behavior important for devices as well as fundamental science Thin films (need to compare to e.g., He scattering) Buried interfaces? Study 2-d behavior liquids Murphy et. al, PRL 95, (2005)

15 Case for Medium Resolution
It’s a “slam dunk” – as strong as the case for meV or sub meV

16 Science at Medium Resolution
Electronic excitations Plasmons, excitons, spinons, holons, Mott gap, band transitions, superconducting gap…. Non-resonant scattering – easy comparison to (q,) Resonant scattering –site and state selective Soft x-ray edges at high energy Time evolution of systems Study highly correlated electron systems, Mott-Hubbard insulators, organic semiconductors, regular metals, …new systems everyday

17 Scattering Cross Section
From Platzman and Isaacs, PRB 57, (1998) Non-resonant Scattering

18 Medium Resolution Work
IXS Organic Molecular Crystal Spinon-holon Yang et al., PRL 98, (2007) Y. Cai, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2006 June et al., PRL (2004) Kodituwakku et al, submitted to PRL

19 Medium Resolution RIXS Opportunities

20 Resonant Scattering Energies

21 Medium Resolution – Monochromator Improvements
Tom Toellner, APS Four bounce High efficiency Wide energy range

22 Medium Resolution Spectrometer Detector Improvements
Line detector Huotari et al., ESRF Shvyd’ko APS Improve counts Larger solid angle Improve resolution Reduces geometric effect Other energies? S. Huotari et al., Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 20, (2005).

23 Why do we need NSLS-II? Smaller samples can be studied
New materials, high pressure Many, many systems to look at Higher resolution - necessary for many cases…

24 Low Resolution Options Important!
Dynamics on attosecond time scales From Peter Abbamonte

25 Low / Adjustable Resolution
Dipole forbidden d-d excitations Information about Larson et al., PRL 99, (2007)

26 Observations No one cares how good the NSLS-II synchrotron is ….
They care about the quality of science Many good ideas for IXS Throw out most of them Use strengths of NSLS-II Develop early – detectors, etc. Room for future ideas Adjustable resolution Support Sample orientation/alignment Characterization (other departments?)

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