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1 DeWitt High School STUDENT SERVICES PRESENTATION August 8, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 DeWitt High School STUDENT SERVICES PRESENTATION August 8, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 DeWitt High School STUDENT SERVICES PRESENTATION August 8, 2011

2 2 Handouts: Informed Consent Brochure Slides of School Counselling presentation

3 3 STUDENT SERVICES PRIMARY ACTIVITIES Comprehensive Guidance Lessons Testing and Assessment Informational parent/student meetings College applications College and Military visits Two awards presentations Senior mock Interviews Scheduling Scholarships Responsive Services

4 4 Partial List of Responsive Services Activities Monitor, implementation of section 504 plans Student Support team coordination Coordination of home-bound and long term student illness plans Alternative Education referral and program maintenance Dual Enrolment (25-30 students per semester, LCC and MSU)‏ Substance abuse Outside treatment referral and support Loss and grief recovery / support programs / crisis response Drop-out prevention Credit recovery coordination / referral One-on-one counselling

5 5 Testing and Assessment October: 9 th grade MEAP 10 th grade practice ACT-PLAN 11 th grade practice ACT - FREE through Kaplan 11 th / 10 th grade PSAT offered on a Saturday December: Practice ACT – Must sign up through Community Ed. Sylvan comes in to administer. Will get results back same day. Fee to take test (approx. $20)‏

6 6 Testing and Assessment March: Michigan Merit Exam – given over a three day period. All 11 th grade students. ACT PLAN for 10 th and ACT Explore for 9 th. May: AP Exams given over a two week period. 2011 we gave 10 different AP tests to over 170 students. June: Opt out Assessment, available upon student / parent request. 3 tests given this year.

7 7 DHS AP courses offered: Calculus A/B Statistics U.S. Government U.S. History English Comp. Literature English Comp. Language Have given AP testing for Independent Study students in Calc B/C, Physics, Biology, Spanish, Psychology and Music Theory.

8 8 AP Test results 2011 152 exams given over a two week window (17) students earned a 5 rating (highest) 11% (42) Students earned 4’s28% (66) Students earned 3’s43% (25) Students earned 2’s16% (2) Students earned 1’s1% Colleges / Universities typically award credit for 3’s or higher depending on the institution and major, so this year 82% of DHS AP students earned college credit.

9 9

10 1010 Guidance Lessons Presentations are given every Monday and Thursday of each month during PRIDE. Each month we address all four grade levels. These presentations are coordinated with the Seminar/PRIDE teachers. There are activities given in multiple presentations that are carried out with the PRIDE teachers. These activities are used as a part of the Pride Teachers assignments for credit in the class. Themes include time management, study skills, goal setting, decision making, personal responsibility and personal safety.

11 1 GRADE LEVEL LESSON PLAN FRESHMAN FRESHMAN : Develop Resilience, and Resourcefulness SOPHOMORE : Get serious about Career Pathway JUNIOR : Research, and Devise realistic post secondary plan SENIOR : Implement your post high school plan AFTER GRADUATION: Carry Out your plan for future education

12 1212 Educational Development Plans (EDP’s) An individual plan for every student consisting of activities to assist the student (and parent) to monitor and manage academic, personal and career development. The counselor and PRIDE teacher direct activities relevant to student appraisal, advisement and placement. Topics include college selection, financial aid, interest surveys, course selection, career exploration and portfolio development. Required by the state for every student to begin in 7 th grade and updated every year through high school. DHS and DJH use the Career Cruising on-line system to complete these requirements each year.

13 1313 All Presentations posted on DHS / Student Services web-site

14 1414 Parent / Informational Sessions September: Seniors – College Admissions and 1 st year expectations at college. February: Meet with Juniors and Sophomore parents / students for College Admission process, use of DocUfide, and Maintaining a strong Senior Year. February: Seniors – Financial Information night. Freshmen – Scheduling and High School Expectations. April: Sophomore/Freshmen – Disseminate ACT Plan and ACT Explore results and project to 11 th ACT.

15 1515 College Application process DocUfide: This web based tool is what students and parents use to research colleges, set up college profiles, on-line college application, and request transcripts to be sent to a college's). This is at NO cost to the school or student. The transcript request is transparent, monitored and handled by the counsellors. Transcripts are either sent electronically or mailed.

16 1616 Class of 2011 Students will attend: Lansing Community College= 81 Michigan State University= 36 Central Michigan University= 22 University of Michigan= 11 Grand Valley State University= 10

17 1717 Application Data 600+ 600+ applications processed 232 members of the class of 2011 Michigan State University: 90/70 77% Central Michigan University: 65/46 70% Lansing Community College: 82/82 100% Grand Valley State University: 60/46 76% Western Michigan University: 55/50 90% University of Michigan: 36/25 69% Ferris State University: 17/17 100% Eastern Michigan University: 10/10 100%

18 1818 Award Presentations March: Academic Hall of Fame Awards May: Senior Awards

19 1919 Scheduling Third year with Infinite Campus student data system. Able to meet with all students 10-12 for confirmation of schedule for next year. Overall comments from parents and students very positive. Enjoy the ability to now “push” data to parents and students. Concern with all students / parents regular access to the data.

20 2020 Scholarships Had one National Merit National Merit Commended (99.8%) Over 1 million college bound students participated in the competition nationally. Continued to organize the 10 local Scholarships for application and interview processes. Daily Announcements and web site for other Local, County, Regional and State Scholarships as notified. Hosted Financial Aid information night in February for Students and interested Parents.

21 2121 Scholarships Posted on DHS / Student Services web-site

22 2 Continuous Challenges: MMC requirements Have set up data monitoring system for credits and current grades.. Largest sophomore class ever Have expanded lab class sizes to accommodate. Transition in / out Continuous improvement for freshman and seniors in PRIDE curriculum and lessons. Become more data driven Continuous improvement with three different on-line systems. Will implement a college like immediate feedback loop in PRIDE presentations this year.

23 2323 Program Goal 2011-12 is to obtain RAMP Recognized ASCA Model Program ASCA: American School Counselor Association Only one school in Michigan has achieved thus far (Huron Valley Lakeland High School in Milford) Requires set up of Advisory committee and peer review of data driven evidence of curriculum.

24 2424 Thank-You for your valuable time Questions? We would like to present status review report every year.

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