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Welcome to the Frog Class 2F Year Two Mrs. Forbes and Mr. Mills.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Frog Class 2F Year Two Mrs. Forbes and Mr. Mills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Frog Class 2F Year Two Mrs. Forbes and Mr. Mills

2 The 2F Teachers are: Mrs. Forbes Who works: Mondays, Tuesdays and alternate Wednesdays. Mr. Mills Who works: Alternate Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays Mrs. Colton Is our classroom assistant and she works every morning.

3 Literacy, Numeracy and ICT. Will normally be taught in the mornings. These subjects are also cross- curricular with many other subjects.

4 Afternoon Lessons Science Art Music History Geography Religious Education Design Technology P.E. / Outdoor Learning Personal and Social Education Drama

5 Physical Education P.E. will be taught on a Friday The children will need: – A Named Bag – A Tee-Shirt – Plimsolls This can be left on their peg outside the classroom.

6 Reading Children will be allocated a reading group This group may change Children will read on the same day each week Library books will be changed on a Wednesday each week

7 Topics – by term Castles Festivals / Rain Forest Sea Side Each term parental information will be displayed on the notice board or via a letter with your child.

8 Home Learning To support your child, spellings will be given out fortnightly. Children may be given other homework based on Numeracy, Literacy or the topic of the term.

9 Parental Help Our door is always open. We welcome parental help. Please see us if you are willing to help or assist with Year Two, or have an area of particular interest.

10 Want Further Information? Come and talk to us! See the school website: Parent Forum Group News Letters Parent Evenings

11 Want Further Information? Come and talk to us! See the school website: Parent Forum Group News Letters Parent Evenings

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