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Git Yer Stuff Together! August 11, 2015.  Listen to each other.  Don’t discount any ideas.  Nothing needs to be decided today!  Think about what YOU.

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Presentation on theme: "Git Yer Stuff Together! August 11, 2015.  Listen to each other.  Don’t discount any ideas.  Nothing needs to be decided today!  Think about what YOU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Git Yer Stuff Together! August 11, 2015

2  Listen to each other.  Don’t discount any ideas.  Nothing needs to be decided today!  Think about what YOU want for YOUR club.  Explore, imagine, create!

3  Create a program that is welcoming, educational, trusting, daring, dynamic, fun, and fearless, where students can learn the joy, discipline, and craft of theatre.  Grow that program!

4 Productions Drama ClubTheatre Classes

5  Who are we?  What do we do?  Where do we want to go?  How do we brand ourselves?  What “traditions” do we want to hold on to? Move away from?  How do we grow?  How can we connect to more students/different students?  How do we engage/prep our feeder programs?  What events do we want to add/remove/change?  How can we involve more parents/families?  What support do we need from parents/teachers/admin/the rest of the school?

6  Productions  Class Showcases (Fall & Spring)  Thespian Events  State  Nationals  Inductions  Banquet  Day: One?  Theatre in the Classroom?  Weekly Meetings  Mandatory  Guest Artists  April Scene Month  How do we raise attendance/awareness/involvement?

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