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GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS’ PCK - TEACHING CLIMATE CHANGE Climate change – central in Geography teaching An epoch typical key problem, Feierabend & Eilks, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS’ PCK - TEACHING CLIMATE CHANGE Climate change – central in Geography teaching An epoch typical key problem, Feierabend & Eilks, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS’ PCK - TEACHING CLIMATE CHANGE Climate change – central in Geography teaching An epoch typical key problem, Feierabend & Eilks, 2010. A Socio-Scientific Issue, Ratcliffe & Grace, 2003. Relevant to everyday life, and dramatic-impact on living conditions all over the world. Aspects from both Physical and Human Geography. Complex and demanding to teach. A variety of methods and approaches needed for alignment. Climate change – central in Geography teaching An epoch typical key problem, Feierabend & Eilks, 2010. A Socio-Scientific Issue, Ratcliffe & Grace, 2003. Relevant to everyday life, and dramatic-impact on living conditions all over the world. Aspects from both Physical and Human Geography. Complex and demanding to teach. A variety of methods and approaches needed for alignment. RESEARCH QUESTIONS What characterizes Geography teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in relation to teaching climate change? How can experiences from Geography teachers´ everyday professional life – e.g. teaching and collaboration - affect their PCK? RESEARCH QUESTIONS What characterizes Geography teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in relation to teaching climate change? How can experiences from Geography teachers´ everyday professional life – e.g. teaching and collaboration - affect their PCK? Epistemological challenges associated with applying the concept of PCK as an analytical tool PCK ”in-action”. Knowledge as practice. PCK ”in-action”. Knowledge as practice. PCK as ”declarative knowledge”. Knowledge as substance. PCK as ”declarative knowledge”. Knowledge as substance. Do teachers actually do what they say they do – and how to explore that? Do teachers actually do what they say they do – and how to explore that? Geography in the Danish lower secondary school A science subject in 7.-9. grade. It includes both Physical and Human Geography. Final evaluation is a multiple choice test at the end of 9. grade. 66 % of the Geography teachers´ are educated as Geography Teachers from Teacher College or have equivalent competences (Uni-C, 2013). Geography in the Danish lower secondary school A science subject in 7.-9. grade. It includes both Physical and Human Geography. Final evaluation is a multiple choice test at the end of 9. grade. 66 % of the Geography teachers´ are educated as Geography Teachers from Teacher College or have equivalent competences (Uni-C, 2013). Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Science Teaching (Abell, S. K. (2007), Fig. 36-1. (modified from Grossman, 1990 and Magnusson, Krajcik, & Borko, 1999)) Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Science Teaching (Abell, S. K. (2007), Fig. 36-1. (modified from Grossman, 1990 and Magnusson, Krajcik, & Borko, 1999)) Science syntactic knowledge Science substantive knowledge Instructional principles Classroom management Learners & learning Educational aims Students School environment Community District Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Science Teaching, PCK Includes knowledge of: Instructional strategies Science assessment Science curriculum Science learners Orientations toward Teaching science Includes knowledge of: Instructional strategies Science assessment Science curriculum Science learners Orientations toward Teaching science Knowledge of Context, KofC Pedagogical Knowledge, PK Science Subject Matter Knowledge, SMK Ph.d. student, Institute of Education and Pedagogic, Aarhus University. Senior Lecture of Geography, Teacher Education, VIA University College. Master of Geoscience and Master of Science Education. Head of the National Team of Geography Teacher Educators.,, Mobile Phone: +45 2636 2263 Ph.d. student, Institute of Education and Pedagogic, Aarhus University. Senior Lecture of Geography, Teacher Education, VIA University College. Master of Geoscience and Master of Science Education. Head of the National Team of Geography Teacher Educators.,, Mobile Phone: +45 2636 2263 School A. Teachers have well developed PCK. Teachers seeks new information and works integrated with projects. Apply tools from the CPD project Quest in own classes and shares them to colleagues. There is a well developed PLC. School A. Teachers have well developed PCK. Teachers seeks new information and works integrated with projects. Apply tools from the CPD project Quest in own classes and shares them to colleagues. There is a well developed PLC. School C. More confident with Physical Geography with growing teaching experience. Applies some of the tools from the CPD project Quest, but not in collaboration - weak PLC. School C. More confident with Physical Geography with growing teaching experience. Applies some of the tools from the CPD project Quest, but not in collaboration - weak PLC. School D. Teachers have well developed PCK. Apply tools from the CPD project Quest in own classes and in co- constructing understanding with colleagues – strong PLC. School D. Teachers have well developed PCK. Apply tools from the CPD project Quest in own classes and in co- constructing understanding with colleagues – strong PLC. School B. Teachers have weak SMK. Very weak Professional Learning Community (PLC) with lack of collaboration. Personal comitment to own classes. Not using tools from the CPD project Quest. School B. Teachers have weak SMK. Very weak Professional Learning Community (PLC) with lack of collaboration. Personal comitment to own classes. Not using tools from the CPD project Quest. Development of Teachers´ PCK

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