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Ideas4Life What is person centred planning? Person Centred Planning puts you (the child or young person) at the centre of your own future planning. All.

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Presentation on theme: "Ideas4Life What is person centred planning? Person Centred Planning puts you (the child or young person) at the centre of your own future planning. All."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ideas4Life What is person centred planning? Person Centred Planning puts you (the child or young person) at the centre of your own future planning. All people have hopes and dreams for the future. You may have many hopes for your future and some of your hopes and dreams can be achieved on their own, but you may need the support of others for example outside agencies that come into school to support you or agencies that help and support you and your family outside of school. What is person centred planning about? Helping you to think about what you want now and in the future Getting all the important people who support you to work together to help make things happen Listening to you about what you want for your life when you leave school

3 Ideas4Life - History Pre-2009 Ideas4Life paper guides for students with moderate and severe learning difficulties and parents/carers 2009 Production of DVD 2011-13 Production of new I4L paper guides Development of I4L PCP software Ongoing 2nd phase Development of I4L PCP Tool

4 Ideas4Life - History


6 Ideas4Life – PCP software Through consultation during and after DVD production it became clear...  There were many examples of good practice in PCP throughout Hertfordshire  There was a need and willingness to share good practice  A tool was required to provide this - specialist Herts-specific software

7 Ideas4Life – The software

8 Ideas4Life All about you...

9 Pilot Phase 20+ schools and colleges July 2012-Feb 2013 Report to HCC March 2013

10 Pilot Phase

11 Ideas4Life – The Future...

12 Ideas4Life For more information...

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