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© Dr. Christoph Glauser Evaluation results of a Swiss E-Government and SME-initiative to identify target groups for use and re-use of Public Sector Information.

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Presentation on theme: "© Dr. Christoph Glauser Evaluation results of a Swiss E-Government and SME-initiative to identify target groups for use and re-use of Public Sector Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Dr. Christoph Glauser Evaluation results of a Swiss E-Government and SME-initiative to identify target groups for use and re-use of Public Sector Information including partnership with private partners Two case studies: PSI and SME-initiative of the State Secretary for Economic Affairs.

2 Content -What is the IFAAR -Case study of two SME portals -Measurement in the Internet -Finding & Searching -Second case study PSI -Different perceptions of PPPartners -Conclusions

3 What is the Institute for Applied Argumentation Research IFAAR? Founded in 1994 Cooperative society 4 members of the Board, Roland Brechbühl, Adolf J. Dörig, Urs Wolfensberger, Dr. Christoph Glauser 14 employees (analysts, scientists, political scientists, linguists, mass media scientists) HQ in Berne, offices in Baar, Zürich and Basel Specialising in computer-based content analysis of websites, eGovernment, eHealth, eLearning as well as NGOs and NPOs Collaboration with TNS, universities, public research organisations and media

4 Case studies of two SME Portals Swiss State Secretary of Economic Affairs

5 Two portals - one purpose Evaluation setting

6 Measurement in the Internet user centric measurement site centric measurement content centric measurement

7 Look through the window FindingSearching

8 Searching with Google...

9 ... without finding! Supplied: Taxation Demanded: taxes, income tax

10 Grabbing Resources Archaeological digging of websites

11 From Grabbing to the Communication Profile GrabbingContent

12 From the Communication Profile to the Comparison with the Demand Content found Content searched for

13 Evaluation results

14 Make one good SME portal out of two

15 Result: SME Potential

16 Second case study: Public Sector Info Swiss State Secretary of Economic Affairs: Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce

17 Proximity to the Demand

18 Single Analysis

19 Bad example

20 Good example

21 Potential for the Public Sector Information

22 Result: Redesign

23 Some conclusions About Public Sector Information and PPP

24 Major concerns of public administrations Different perception of PSI: legal principles stabilising government no competition no economic principles no need to fear of mistakes privacy concerns “public” interests

25 Major concerns of PPP economic partners Different perception: less legal restrictions market interests high competition need to be profitable need to take risks allowed to make mistakes less privacy concerns private interests

26 Different perceptions of PPPartners legal rules (government/market) competition (?) profitability (both?) risk (low/high) tolerance of failure privacy concerns interests

27 Think about the other P’s Public Private Partnership (source:

28 Continue to work on your reflection IFAAR, Mülinenstrasse 3, 3006 Bern, Switzerland T +41 31 351 02 20, Thank you!

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