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EDS 1 Early Delivery Systems EDS 1 Update Jonathan Pulcini - Project Manager August 13, 2007.

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1 EDS 1 Early Delivery Systems EDS 1 Update Jonathan Pulcini - Project Manager August 13, 2007

2 Page 2 2 EDS 1 – Release 2 August 2007 EDS 1 – Early Delivery Systems Point to Point Verification Testing PtP Testing Update PtP Issue Resolution Process –Short Term (for EDS 1) –Long Term (beyond EDS 1) PtP Issues Report EDS 1 Testing Deliverables EDS 1 Testing Metrics Ongoing Process Remaining Schedule Questions

3 Page 3 3 EDS 1 – Release 2 August 2007 EDS 1 – PtP Testing Update Points Tested46,802 of 68,476 68 % Complete Points Remaining21,66532 % Remaining MPs Tested20 of 3951 % Complete QSEs Tested13 of 2356 % Complete TSPs Tested7 of 1643 % Complete Remaining Points for Aug12,90818 % Remaining Remaining Points for Sept8,75512 % Remaining Projected Completion for Aug 59,710 pts (29 of 39 MPs) 87 % Complete (74 % MPs Tested) Projected Completion for Sept 67,873 pts (38 of 39 MPs) 99 % Complete (remaining 1 % will be tested in early Oct)

4 Page 4 4 EDS 1 – Release 2 August 2007 EDS 1 – PtP Testing Update Currently, the error rate is at 4 % for PtP testing. All issues represent an mix of both ERCOT and MP issues. Errors consist of both modeling and telemetry type errors encountered during PtP testing. Errors are prioritized, categorized, and assigned to either the modeling team or telemetry teams to address as issues in a issues database. For Non-Field Telemetered point Quality Code errors (category E-NFT), ERCOT will re-verify selected points of various device types with each MP (up to 10 %) once the ERCOT EMS upgrade is available in Sept. ERCOT is working with the vendor to deliver a fix for the E-NFT category errors by mid Sept. ERCOT is targeting to resolve all issues for a rate of 3 % or less for each MP by the end of Release 2 (Sept. 30 th ).

5 Page 5 5 EDS 1 – Release 2 August 2007 EDS 1 – PtP Issue Resolution Process (Short Term) 1.Each issue is entered into an issue database in a Pending status. 2.MPs are provided with an issue list after their PtP testing is completed. 3.Each issue is Assigned to ERCOT and/or the MP and categorized as a Modeling or Telemetry issue type. 4.Each issue is investigated and resolved accordingly; some issues can require a Service Request be submitted by the MP to complete. 5.Each issue is re-tested to ensure correction was made before it is migrated to Production. 6.Once an issue has been resolved, tested, and migrated to Production, it is Closed. 7.The MP is provided an updated Issue List on a periodic basis to continue to address remaining issues.

6 Page 6 6 EDS 1 – Release 2 August 2007 EDS 1 – Issue Resolution Process (Long Term) SCADA / NOM Data Issues Management –Definition Nodal EMS will provide tools to measure SCADA and SE performance Performance measurements are based on Telemetry and SE Standards SCADA not performing to standards will be: –reported using ERCOT Enterprise Data Warehouse functionality –available to ERCOT and to the responsible MP via the MIS portal –resolved jointly between ERCOT Operations Support and the MPs –Conclusion Operations Support will need a Data Issues Management Tool –Short term to resolve p2p issues –Long term to resolve on-going performance issues p2p ICCPICCP MPs Issue Mgmt EMS ERCOT EDW

7 Page 7 7 EDS 1 – Release 2 August 2007 EDS 1 – Issue Resolution Process (Long Term) SCADA / NOM Data Issues Management Basic Tool Requirements SCADA / NOM issues creation –import issues from EDW or other sources (current PtP issue DB) Manage a list of ERCOT and MP contacts with contact information Notify ERCOT and MPs when issues are Assigned, Updated, Closed Manage and track issues –Pending (new issue) –Assigned (to MP and/or ERCOT) –To Implement (Service Request created and linked) –Closed (issue resolved, verified and closed) Include a Web-based thin client Include Reporting and Trend Analysis Provide Secure access –ERCOT has access to all issues –MPs can access only their assigned issues

8 Page 8 8 EDS 1 – Release 2 August 2007 EDS 1 – Testing Issues Report Total PtP Issues12,87710,133 are E-NFT QC issues. 2,744 are all other types of issues. Modeling2672 % of total issues Telemetry12,61098 % of total issues ERCOT10,53281 % of total issues MP2,34518 % of total issues Open12,35995 % of total issues Closed5184 % of total issues complete. 18 % of all other types of issues complete (not including E-NFT).

9 Page 9 9 EDS 1 – Release 2 August 2007 EDS 1 – Testing Issues Report Status TypeIssue CountDescription Pending377Issues have been entered into the tracking DB; waiting to be assigned Assigned11,950 10,133 (E-NFT) Issues have been assigned to ERCOT or the MP to resolve. In Progress9Issues are being worked on by the modeling or telemetry teams. To Test20Issues are awaiting testing. To Implement3Issues have been addressed and are awaiting migration to Production. Closed518Issues have been resolved and tested in Production. TOTAL12,877

10 Page 10 10 EDS 1 – Release 2 August 2007 EDS 1 – Testing Deliverables #ArtifactInitiatorDistribution 1EDS 1 Alarm Processing RequirementsERCOTPublic 2Service Request Process and ProcedureERCOTPublic 3ICCP Service Request – Initial RequestMPERCOT Internal 4ICCP Service Request - Initial ApprovalERCOTMP Specific 5ICCP DatabaseERCOTERCOT Internal 6EDS 1 PtP Testing Results DatabaseERCOTERCOT Internal 7Completed PtP Station ChecklistsERCOTMP Specific 8EDS 1 Results Dashboard (provided weekly) ERCOTPublic 9PtP Issue List (Summary and Detail)ERCOTMP Specific 10ICCP Service Request – UpdatesMPERCOT Internal 11ICCP Service Request - Update ApprovalERCOTMP Specific 12EDS 1 SharePoint Site for DocumentationERCOTERCOT Internal

11 Page 11 11 EDS 1 – Release 2 August 2007 EDS 1 – Early Delivery Systems

12 Page 12 12 EDS 1 – Release 2 August 2007 EDS 1 – Readiness Metrics For a MP to be considered ready and marked as such in the Readiness Metrics for EDS 1, they must have the following completed by the end of Release 2: 1.PtP Testing has been completed. Complete Telemetry check and topology review. 2.Failover testing has been completed. Complete association failover test – ICCP link failover. Complete disaster recovery test – physical failover. 3.Resolve all issues down to 3 % or less for modeling and telemetry for each MP. Address all priority modeling and telemetry issues. Includes re-test of selected points categorized as E-NFT quality code issues (up to 10 %).

13 Page 13 13 EDS 1 – Release 2 August 2007 EDS 1 – Ongoing Process What will the new process be for telemetry checking beyond EDS 1? The PtP process established and used for telemetry checking in EDS 1 will be used for all new construction or changes being submitted by a MP in the future. Each new substation or generation resource will not only include a modeling check but also a PtP telemetry checkout to ensure accuracy and reliability. Telemetry check will be scheduled as part of a checklist to energize a new station/resource. Any issues encountered will be logged in current issues DB and resolved by following the existing processes.

14 Page 14 14 EDS 1 – Release 2 August 2007 EDS 1 – Remaining Schedule Complete testing of 99% all remaining points by Sept 30 th ; 100% by early Oct. Log all issues and address them accordingly with each MP through the current issue assignment and resolution process. Complete internal alarm processing and testing. Complete site failover testing by Sept. 30 th for each MP; includes both ICCP association failover (primary to secondary link) and server disaster recovery testing. Verify with each MP that issues have been resolved to 3 % or less by Sept. 30 th.

15 Page 15 15 EDS 1 – Release 2 August 2007 Questions? Testing Issue Resolution Process Deliverables Metrics Schedule

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