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Homework HW WW-2 due tomorrow DBQ due Monday. Aim #1: What were the causes of World War I? Introductory Question: Define the following terms: – Militarism.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework HW WW-2 due tomorrow DBQ due Monday. Aim #1: What were the causes of World War I? Introductory Question: Define the following terms: – Militarism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework HW WW-2 due tomorrow DBQ due Monday

2 Aim #1: What were the causes of World War I? Introductory Question: Define the following terms: – Militarism – Alliances – Imperialism – Nationalism

3 I. Causes of World War I → Nations of Europe go to war in 1914 for four major reasons: A.Militarism – Massive military buildup in European countries during the late 1800s, early 1900s. – Wanted to protect overseas colonies from other nations. Why could this lead to war?

4 I. Causes of World War I B. Alliances – Nations formed partnerships to protect themselves from rival countries Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria- Hungary and Italy Triple Entente: Great Britain, France and Russia Why could this lead to war?

5 I. Causes of World War I C. Imperialism – During the late 1800s/early 1900s, Germany, France, Russia and Great Britain are all trying to build empires in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Why could this lead to war?

6 I. Causes of World War I D. Nationalism – Strong devotion to one’s national group or culture increased in the late 1800s. – Nationalist rivalries between European countries grow: British and the Germans compete to have the best economy, France is still angry about losing to Germany in the Franco-Prussian War (1870). Why could this lead to war?

7 II. “Spark” of World War I A.Conflict in the Balkans – Serbia is a nation of Slavic people with a strong sense of nationalism. Serbia wants to take over Bosnia and Herzgovina, which also had large Slavic populations. Problem is, B & H are controlled by Austria-Hungary! – Russia (also a Slavic country) supports Serbia. Austria-Hungary is backed up by Germany. – “Powder keg” of Europe

8 II. “Spark” of World War I B. On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian- Hungarian throne, and his wife Sophie are visiting Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. They are murdered by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian who wants to rid Bosnia of Austrian rule. C. War begins because of the alliances a.Austria-Hungry declared war on Serbia to get back at them for killing the Archduke b.Russia declared war on Austria- Hungary to help Serbia. c.Austria-Hungary’s allies (Germany, Italy) and Russia’s allies (Great Britain, France) now have to go to war with each other.

9 Critical Thinking Question Of the four MAIN causes of World War I, which one do you think was MOST important in making World War I possible? Why?

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