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UNITAR Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT) Geneva Type of organisation: International Organisation (United Nations programme) Specialising.

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Presentation on theme: "UNITAR Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT) Geneva Type of organisation: International Organisation (United Nations programme) Specialising."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNITAR Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT) Geneva Type of organisation: International Organisation (United Nations programme) Specialising in: Assisting in UN transformation towards better early warning, crisis response, early recovery (new reform), vulnerability reduction and local capacity building More specifically: Integrating geographic information and telecommunication services using Earth Observation and positioning systems. Data storage and IST services through CERN. In-house capacity: 21 staff, specialists in geophysics, geology, geography, remote sensing, marine sciences, hydrology, agronomy, telecommunication, policy, project management. Operational HQ at CERN. Scalable consortium. TEWS Info Day, 31 Jan 2006, Paris

2 Potential Interest/Contribution to TEWS Developing high capacity data storage capacities, including Grid distribution and processing Terrestrial mapping, vulnerability assessments services Local capacity building related to risk reduction using Earth Observation and Geographic Information Systems Tsunami-related, but integrate multi-hazard approach (landslides, flash floods etc) Experienced user (21 launches) of International Charter Space and Major Disasters Has developed relationship with UNESCO-IOC IODE. UNOSAT is selected as the Mapping Component of the Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS) headed by UNOCHA as coordinator of UN Humanitarian Cluster, works with UNDP on early recovery cluster and with ILO/UNDP/ISDR on the post- Kobe IRP (international recovery platform). Has developed relationship with UNESCO-IOC IODE. Contact point: Mr Einar Bjorgo Email: Tel: +41 22 767 4020 Url:

3 Desired Level of Cooperation Willing to participate in: STREP, SSA, CA – –partner – –federate end users (very wide network of users, including International and National organizations, local government etc.)

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