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The “Isms”(part Ⅲ ): Constructivism Day 5, April 2, 2015.

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1 The “Isms”(part Ⅲ ): Constructivism Day 5, April 2, 2015

2 Waltz defines political structure in three dimensions: ordering principles, principles of differentiation, and the distribution of capabilities. By itself, this definition predicts little about state behavior. It does not predict whether two states will be friends or foes, will recognize each other’s sovereignty, will have dynastic ties, will be revisionist or status quo powers, and so on.

3 constructivism A few main features of constructivist approach: Social construction of reality Ideas/ideational (vs. material) Norms identity

4 Constructivism as a formal approach Key insight: Can’t take realist “facts” such as the effects of anarchy and states’ aggressive pursuit of survival as a given. Actors identities and interests emerge through interaction. Intersubjective meanings matter! No strong assumptions about human nature – doesn’t make strong universal predictions. “Nature” versus “nurture”

5 Three cultures of anarchy 1. The Hobbesian culture Enmity The logic of Hobbesian anarchy 2. The Lockean culture Rivalry The logic of Lockean anarchy 3. The Kantian culture Friendship The Logic of Kantian anarchy

6 constructivism “Five-hundred British nuclear weapons are less threatening to the US than five North Korean nuclear weapons, because the British are friends of the US and the North Koreans are not, and amity or enmity is a function of shared understandings” --Alexander Wendt

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