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 The opposite of FICTION is? …..NON-FICTION!  Novel  Short Story.

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Presentation on theme: " The opposite of FICTION is? …..NON-FICTION!  Novel  Short Story."— Presentation transcript:


2  The opposite of FICTION is? …..NON-FICTION!  Novel  Short Story

3  Protagonist  Definition: the character that an audience wants to see succeed Usually the MAIN character Usually a GOOD character NOT NECESSARILY!  We need to know what he or she WANTS

4  Antagonist  Definition: the character who is standing in the way of the Protagonist’s success Usually a BAD character

5  What happens in a story  Literally, the story itself

6  Definition: The background information an audience needs to know while reading Not always at the beginning:

7  What you’ll find in the Exposition of a story:  Setting  Characters  Conflict  Mood  Important Background An author may stress the importance or unimportance of any of these as necessary throughout the story!

8 Place AND time of a story Sometimes really important… …sometimes NOT!

9  Definition: the central PROBLEM in a story

10  Man (character) Vs. Man

11  Man (character) Vs. Self

12  Man (character) Vs. Society

13  Man (character) Vs. Nature

14  The chain of events that lead up to the CLIMAX of a story This?Or This?

15  The major TURNING POINT in the story  Where the CONFLICT gets resolved  The point at which characters can’t go back to the way things were before  Usually closer to the end than you think

16  Not always the most EXCITING or most INTENSE  Can come in different forms:  Simple as “bad guy is finally killed”  Or can be harder to find; an important decision is finally made

17  What happens as a direct result of the climax

18  Shows us how the story ends  Loose ends are tied up  Sometimes this is missing from a story  See example (next slide)


20  Visually shows the path of the story Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution

21  Author’s MAIN IDEA that he/she communicates through the story  Personal interpretation (within reason)  Needs to be a complete thought stated in a complete sentence  Instead of “discrimination”  Try “people who discriminate will always pay for it in the end”

22  Something concrete in a story (an object, person) that represents something abstract (an idea)

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