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Chapter- 3.  Student must recall structural features / landmarks in different images of Shoulder joint & Upper Limb.  Student must Distinguish between.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter- 3.  Student must recall structural features / landmarks in different images of Shoulder joint & Upper Limb.  Student must Distinguish between."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter- 3

2  Student must recall structural features / landmarks in different images of Shoulder joint & Upper Limb.  Student must Distinguish between different landmarks / parts of structures in different images of Shoulder & Elbow joint.  Student must Distinguish between normal and abnormal X Ray images of Shoulder & Elbow joint.  Student must Analyse the pathological findings of different images of Shoulder & Elbow joint.

3  AP view with external rotation  AP view with internal rotation  Axillary view Normal Shoulder

4 v GH joint, glenoid fossa v greater/less er tuberosity v AC joint, acromion, clavicle

5 GH joint, glenoid Fossa greater/less er tuberosity AC joint, acromion, clavicle greater/lesser tuberosity scapula, spine of scapula, Coracoid process




9 GH joint glenoid Fossa AC joint Acromion, clavicle greater/lesser tuberosity scapula, spine of scapula, Coracoid process


11 Axillary View  Taken with arm abducted  Cassette is placed on the superior aspect of the shoulder  Arm is abducted enough to allow the radiographic beam to pass between the Chest & Arm


13 GH joint, Humeral head, Glenoid Greater tubercle Acromion Clavicle coracoid



16 Glenoid fossa Acromion Clavicle Supraspinatus Subscapularis Humerus


18 Glenoid fossa & labrum (low intensity) Long head of biceps Subscapularis Humeral head Hill-Sachs lesion- Notched defect of flattening of humeral head


20 Scapula, spine of scapula, coracoid process Infraspinatus, subscapularis Humerus, greater /lesser tubercle, long head of biceps Clavicle


22 Anterior dislocation of the humeral had toward coracoid process


24 Marked overlap of the humeral head of the glenoid


26 Axillary View Note: humeral head is not in the Glenoid fossa


28 AP with internal rotation Note: small & false “joint space” as the humeral head sits behind the glenoid fossa


30 Lateral View – Scapular fracture on the lateral border

31 Lateral View Oblique fracture of the Shaft of Humerus

32 AP View - Mild displaced fracture

33 Tear of RC are associated with intermediate signal on T1 images Increased signal on T2-weighted images May have fluid in the subdeltoid & subacromial bursae Retraction of supraspinatus tendon with atrophy of the muscles

34 Impingement: 40 y/o male was dx with shoulder impingement MRI shows fluid in the subacromial bursa Arthroscopic finding: 2 cm supraspinatus tear

35 60 y/o with shoulder pain T2 oblique coronal image Increased signal in the RC tendon. An effusion is also seen in the joint spaces & subdeltoid bursae. --------ROTATOR CUFF TEAR

36 48 y/o paraplegic who fell T1 – weighted coronal image Focal area of increased signal in the supraspinatus tendon Tendon is also swollen with fluid in the subacromial bursae & in the joint space- ROTATOR CUFF TEAR- Case-1

37 48 y/o paraplegic who fell Spin density coronal image Focal area of increased s ignal in the supraspinatus tendon Tendon is also swollen with fluid in the subacromial bursae & in the joint space – ROTATOR CUFF TEAR – CASE-2




41 Humerus: Olecranon fossa, medial/lateral epicondyle, capitulum trochlea Ulna: olecranon, coronoid process, shaft Humeroradial & humerulnar Joint Radius : head/shaft


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