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HSB to RGB to HEX.

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1 HSB to RGB to HEX

2 Relationship of HSB/HSV to RGB to Hex
Hue Saturation Brightness/Value describes the color position on the color wheel as well as the saturation and brightness values


4 Color Degrees

5 HSB Hue = degrees on the color wheel for the pure color
Saturation = the values from white to pure color Brightness = the values from black to pure color

6 HSB to RGB to HEX Red HSB - 0 degrees Hue, 100 Saturation, 100 Brightness RGB - 255, 0, 0 HEX - #FF0000 Green HSB degrees Hue, 100 Saturation, 100 Brightness RGB - 0, 255, 0 HEX - #00FF00 Blue HSB degrees Hue, 100 Saturation, 100 Brightness RGB - 0, 0, 255 HEX - #0000FF

7 HSB to RGB to HEX Yellow HSB - 60 degrees Hue, 100 Saturation, 100 Brightness RGB - 255, 255, 0, HEX - #FFFF00 Cyan HSB degrees Hue, 100 Saturation, 100 Brightness RGB - 0, 255, 255 HEX - #00FFFF Magenta HSB degrees Hue, 100 Saturation, 100 Brightness RGB - 255, 0, 255 HEX - #FF00FF

8 HSB to RGB to HEX White HSB - any degree of Hue, 0 Saturation, 100 Brightness RGB - 0, 0, 0 HEX - #000000 Grey HSB - any degree of Hue, 0 Saturation, 50 Brightness RGB - 128, 128, 128 HEX - #999999 Black HSB - any degree of Hue, 0 Saturation, 0 Brightness RGB - 255, 255, 255 HEX - #000000

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