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B. RAMAMURTHY Processing and Programming cse113-2013-2 1.

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Presentation on theme: "B. RAMAMURTHY Processing and Programming cse113-2013-2 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 B. RAMAMURTHY Processing and Programming cse113-2013-2 1

2 Topics cse113-2013-2 2 Lets understand some of the processing primitives “commands” or “instructions” Format of commands Grouping of commands into coherent functions Parameterizing the commands Sample commands: lets learn some commands

3 Program in Processing cse113-2013-2 3 A program in Processing language is a collection of one or more commands Format of a command: Keyword Parenthesis Arguments or parameters Semicolon terminating the command Example: size(400,400);

4 List of all commands cse113-2013-2 4 Reference to all the Processing commands is available at It is also available in the Help menu of your Processing environment

5 A simple program (House) cse113-2013-2 5 size(400, 600); rect(50,250,300,300); triangle(50,250,350,250,200,50); rect(175,450,50,100); ellipse(185,515,6,6); rect(85,300,40,40); rect(130,300,40,40); rect(85,340,40,40); rect(130,345,40,40); rect(230,300,40,40); rect(275,300,40,40); rect(230,345,40,40); rect(275,345,40,40); ellipse(20,20,30,30);

6 Lets Organize it cse113-2013-2 6 A program as a collection of functions/methods void setup() { size(1400,1400); stroke(0); } void draw() { line(40,50, mouseX, mouseY); } void mousePressed() { background(192,64,0); stroke(255); PImage img= loadImage("Penguins.jpg"); image(img,0,0); }

7 Lets learn some commands: 2D commands cse113-2013-2 7 point (x, y); line(x1,y2,x2,y2); triangle(x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3); rect(x,y, length, width); // when length = width we get square ellipse(x, y, width, height); //when width=height we get circle arc(x,y,width, height, start, stop); quad(x1,y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4,y4);

8 Color commands cse113-2013-2 8 background(single color #);// # between 0-255 background(r, g, b); // complex color background(img); fill(color); // sets fill color in RGB stroke(color);//sets the line color

9 Mouse Button cse113-2013-2 9 mouseX mouseY mousePressed mouseReleased() mouseMoved() mouseDragged()

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