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Education and learning By Jim, Brett and Midhun. Why do think education is important? Education is very important because it lets you have a better future.

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Presentation on theme: "Education and learning By Jim, Brett and Midhun. Why do think education is important? Education is very important because it lets you have a better future."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education and learning By Jim, Brett and Midhun

2 Why do think education is important? Education is very important because it lets you have a better future. We know this because in animal farm old major teaches the animals about revolution “That is my message to you comrades, rebellion”. This explains that without old major trying to educate the animals they would never of changed the way they were living. They needed someone to teach them about the situation.

3 Why did napoleon concentrate on teaching a small group of animals to read and what are the consequences of this? Napoleon taught a small group of animals to read so that he could train them to be his private police force and body guards. “Napoleon took them away from there mothers saying that he would make himself responsible for there education”. This explains that he is like Stalin from the Russian revolution and is like his secret police.And uses them for his own benefits and teaches them to be violent brutes and killing machines.

4 Making reference to several characters, explain the difficulties that snowball encountered when trying to teach the animals how to read? Snowball found difficulties when teaching the animals to read the alphabet, mainly the horses. “Boxer could not get beyond the letter D”. This explains that, Snowball found it difficult to teach the animals, how to read. This also explains about how the other animals in the farm are not as intelligent as the pigs.

5 Does education and intelligence help to bring equality across the farm ? Educating the animals on the farm did not bring equality across the farm because they were educated that “ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIM ALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS". This explains that if the animals had been educated properly they would have been all equal and the pigs wouldn't have ruled the farm. Also this shows that if the animals weren't educated at all they would have been all equal.

6 How would the revolution, have been different if all the animals were able to read and write, not only the pigs? The revolution, would have been more equal, if other animals in the farm learned how to read and write. “Were unable to learn the seven commandments by heart” This show that, if they were able to read, they would have noticed that the commandments have been changed, they might have rebelled against the pigs.

7 What does education, and ultimately, intelligence, give the pigs? And yet, what has it not taught them? The education and the intelligence gave the pigs the, authority and power to rule over the other animals in the farm. “Without further arguments, that the milk and the windfall apples should be reserved for the pigs alone” This shows that they are selfish and greedy, and they have not learned how to equal and fair.

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