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Yunho Park, Randhir Singh, Douglas DaSilva.  Nonprofit organizations are institutions that conduct their affairs for the purpose of assisting other individuals,

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1 Yunho Park, Randhir Singh, Douglas DaSilva

2  Nonprofit organizations are institutions that conduct their affairs for the purpose of assisting other individuals, groups, or causes rather than garnering profits for themselves. Nonprofit organizations are tax-exempt businesses that benefit the good of the public.

3 Types of Non Profit Organization  Animal Charities  Environmental Charities  Health Charities  Education Charities  Arts and Culture Charities

4 Beneficiaries and Members  Beneficiaries are those who directly receive services from the nonprofit organization. Members of the nonprofit organization are people who receive direct membership benefits. Members can either directly help or donate to the organization in return of gifts and membership.

5 Reputation  The success of a non-profit agency depends on its reputation in the community. Customers can enhance or damage this reputation, depending on their level of satisfaction with the service they receive. Meeting and exceeding the expectations of donors, volunteers and clients ultimately results in increased donations of financial and human resources to the agency.

6 DOSOMETHING.ORG  works to promote the youth to cause social change. They offer grants and help to execute the desired change. supports all social causes such as animal cruelty, hunger, education, disasters, sex/relationships,etc. Workers and members start campaigns for all to join. One of the most famous was held at Staples around the nation where anyone can donate school supplies for the less fortunate.

7 DOSOMETHING.ORG cont.  4,820,104 members and counting  DoSomething is a non-profit organization that uses mainstream media to educate the public such as:  SNS: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr,etc.  Commercials via TV and Youtube  Celebrity Sponsors

8 Sponsors  Many celebrities such as actors, music artists, activists, internet celebrities, and athletes represent Dosomething and advertise the company.  Some of these celebrities are Justin Bieber, Blake Griffin, Ryan Seacrest, SMOSH,etc.

9 Challenges  The biggest challenge for any non-profit organizations is funding. Most of the funds of come from donations and fundraising. All funds go to supporting the company and its causes. Because it is non-profit, the company must also be able to ensure that all earnings go minimally to the company and most go to the cause.

10 Challenges cont.  and other non-profit organizations work to keep their good reputations. is known to help in all aspects of world conflict. Many argue that the company should focus on certain issues rather than giving minimal attention to every issue. Non-profit organizations must keep a good reputation to maintain funding and support.

11 Role of Social Media  targets the youth to change the world for the better. Dosomething uses media forms to target the youth. The most influential type of media is facebook, twitter, and youtube. There are many youtube stars that promote the youth to do something good. Social media is a tool that can build, promote, organize, and build images of the company. Social media can carry emotions by showing pictures and short clips to get people interested in the work supported by the organization.

12 Limitations of influence  Many Non-profit organizations, including, participates in lobbying, which is the act of influencing decision makers to make certain decisions. Authoritites who have the repsonsiblity passing legislations must make decisions that favors the views of the public. However, the government knows the power of lobbying and corruption and have acted against it. Non-profit organizations (c)(3) take Insubstantial part tests if sued for substantial lobbying and is decided by a supreme court judge.

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