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Sales Enablement Diagnostic Toolkit June 2014 SBI.

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1 Sales Enablement Diagnostic Toolkit June 2014 SBI

2 1 SALES ENABLEMENT DIAGNOSTIC TOOLKIT OVERVIEW What is the Sales Enablement Diagnostic Toolkit? It is a tool that prioritizes Sales Enablement initiatives What will the Sales Enablement Diagnostic Toolkit do? It will outline which initiatives Sales Enablement should be focused on right now What does it mean to implement the Sales Enablement Diagnostic Toolkit? It means Sales Enablement is performing high value, strategic work which is making the sales team more effective

3 2 HOW TO USE THE INFORMATION After you’ve followed the process in the toolkit you’re next step will be to identify the initiative which can be used to solve the gap The list on the left is a set of initiatives that top performing Sales Enablement teams are performing today Those initiatives are aligned to major gaps that they are often solve Use this as a guide to determine your prioritized list of Sales Enablement initiatives Sales Enablement InitiativeSales Force Gap 1. Agile Sales Training Knowledge gap in key processes or components of sales strategy 2. Mobile Playbook Not having the right content available at all times during sales opportunities 3. Sales Adoption Training materials not being utilized 4. Certification Program Skewed distribution of top performing reps and bottom performing reps Note – Sample set of Sales Enablement Initiatives

4 3 SALES ENABLEMENT DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS 1. Confirm Sales & Marketing Strategy to Ensure Alignment 2. Conduct diagnostic to identify gaps which impact the effectiveness of sales force 3. Define problem and calculate the potential impact from solving the gap

5 4 1. CONFIRM STRATEGY Overview Confirm the sales and marketing strategy to ensure focused diagnostic efforts Key Activities Review sales strategy with key executives Review marketing strategy with key executives Identify areas which are effectiveness-focused Determine specific discovery efforts to be used in next step Exit Criteria Strategies reviewed and diagnostic is ready to begin Strategy DocumentEffectiveness Component Sales StrategySales Coaching Focus Sales StrategySales Adoption Marketing StrategyBuyer Research Marketing StrategyCampaign Planning

6 5 2. CONDUCT DIAGNOSTIC Overview Conduct discovery to determine gaps impacting sales effectiveness Key Activities Identify sample size where discovery efforts should be focused Determine initial hypothesis Focus diagnostic around hypothesis Repeat until key problem(s) identified Exit Criteria Problems defined that are linked to major gaps in sales effectiveness

7 6 3. DEFINE PROBLEM AND CALCULATE POTENTIAL IMPACT Overview Prioritize the gaps based upon the potential impact which would be realized if solved for Key Activities Calculate Upside Potential for each gap Determine how long it would realistically take for the upside to be realized Combine the two data points together for each gap Prioritize based upon potential impact Exit Criteria Problems prioritized and there is clarity on which gap needs to be addressed first

8 7 SALES ENABLEMENT RESOURCES Click here in Presentation Mode to be brought to page with Sales Enablement resources

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