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THEODORE ROOSEVELT AND THE PANAMA CANAL. Beginnings Born in New York City in 1858 to a wealthy family Struggled against bad health as a young man Frail,

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2 Beginnings Born in New York City in 1858 to a wealthy family Struggled against bad health as a young man Frail, stomach, fever, headaches, couldn’t even blow out a candle Began strenuous activity to strengthen himself Swam, boxed, hiked, lifted weights- achieved his goal Advocate of the strenuous lifestyle In 1884, his wife and mother died on the same day Retreated to a 25,000 acre ranch in North Dakota Drove cattle, hunted big game, Remarried in 1886

3 Entry into Public Life 1889- Appointed by President Harrison as the U.S. Civil Service Commissioner- worked to reform hiring laws within the government 1895- Head of the New York Police Department 1897- Assistant Secretary of the Navy under McKinley 1898- Went to Cuba as a Lieutenant Colonel of the Rough Rider Regiment Led the charge on San Juan hill “Bucky” O'Neill- large portion of this regiment from Prescott and Northern Arizona Roosevelt was the most conspicuous hero of the Spanish American War

4 Toward the White House Upon his return from Cuba in 1898, asked to serve as Governor of the State of New York- accepted 1900- nominated to serve as Vice President under William McKinley- accepted and won September 14, 1901- William McKinley is assassinated and Roosevelt becomes President Youngest President in US History- 42

5 First Term Focus “Trust Busting” Believed that the ultra-wealthy capitalists were ‘malefactors of great wealth’ Ironic because he belonged to one of the top 20 wealthiest families in the nation Worked towards the dissolution of trusts built by the robber barons Believed trusts unjustly restricted trade, although he did not disapprove of big business in general Broke up over 44 trusts Disliked the arrogance of the business giants like JP Morgan Seen as the valiant crusader- fighting the “bad” trusts for the good of the common man

6 Personal Accomplishments Incredibly athletic and outspoken, almost frenetic “Steam-engine in trousers” First American to win the Nobel Peace Prize Brokered a peace treaty between Russia and Japan in 1905 Wrote over 3 dozen books in multiple languages on topics ranging from history to hunting Was once shot in the chest, then continued to give an hour long speech before seeking medical attention Won the election of 1904 by one of the largest popular margins in history Image carved in Mount Rushmore

7 Conservation "In the Grand Canyon, Arizona has a natural wonder which is in kind absolutely unparalleled throughout the rest of the world. I want to ask you to keep this great wonder of nature as it now is. I hope you will not have a building of any kind, not a summer cottage, a hotel or anything else, to mar the wonderful grandeur, the sublimity, the great loneliness and beauty of the canyon. Leave it as it is. You cannot improve on it. The ages have been at work on it, and man can only mar it.” Roosevelt’s passion for the outdoors led him to use his Presidential influence to preserve America’s natural wonders Created the US Forest Service Established 51 Bird Reservations, 4 national game reserves, 150 National Forests, 5 National Parks, and 18 National Monuments Total: 230,000,000 acres of public land

8 Foreign Policy Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick Active in the art of persuading Must be willing and able to use force when necessary The Great White Fleet Believed a large and powerful navy was necessary to American security 1907 he sent this navy on a world tour to demonstrate our strength

9 The Panama Canal First attempted by the French in 1879 after their success with the Suez Canal Heavy rains and disease prevented their 20 year endeavor from succeeding Columbia owned the isthmus and was unwilling to negotiate at the price the US set "You could no more make an agreement with them than you could nail currant jelly to a wall," - Theodore Roosevelt The US engineered a revolution to take place within Columbia, separating and creating Panama, which would now be willing to accept the US proposal Seen as crucial to US security Roosevelt criticized for stealing Panama Rather than trying to build at sea level, as the French had done, created a system of locks to raise and lower ships as they crossed the 51 mile canal Completed in 1915 Cost 5,400 lives from disease and accidents Cost $387 million In 1999, the US voluntarily gave control of the Canal back to the Panamanians

10 Stepping Down After his election in 1904, promised that he would not run again in 1908 Regretted this for the rest of his life Decided instead to hand pick his successor- William Howard Taft Distinction of being our largest President- 330 lbs Very different from Roosevelt, although Roosevelt felt confident that Taft would continue and maintain Roosevelt’s work and reforms Although Taft did achieve many progressive reforms, Roosevelt wasn’t satisfied- joined the Bull Moose Party to run against Taft Split the republican vote- Woodrow Wilson Won in 1912 After his defeat, Roosevelt traveled the world with one of his sons His youngest was killed in World War I- despondency Roosevelt died in his sleep in 1919 at home

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