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Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 1 First results on particle correlations from ALICE Dariusz.

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Presentation on theme: "Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 1 First results on particle correlations from ALICE Dariusz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 1 First results on particle correlations from ALICE Dariusz Miśkowiec, GSI Darmstadt and EMMI for the ALICE Collaboration why two-pion correlations two-pion correlations at 900 GeV first look at 7 TeV data try harder: high-p T correlations summary

2 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 22 2 transverse expansion  p T spectra look thermal but boosted longitudinal expansion  source size depends on p T Collectivity in nuclear collisions collective transverse velocity apparent source of pions with given (y,p T )

3 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 33 temperature and transverse flow when energy conservation treated properly 3 Mike Lisa, CERN Theory Phenomenology Seminar, 16-Oct-2009 Transverse expansion transverse expansion seems to be there even in very peripheral nuclear collisions

4 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 4 Pion source size from STAR STAR, arXiv:1004.0925 [nucl-ex] STAR, Phys. Rev. C 80 (2009) 24905 p T dependence of pion source size similar in nuclear and pp collisions Au + Au Cu + Cu p + p (various ways of fitting)

5 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 5 identical-pion correlation analysis technique (HBT) peak width ~ 1 / source size pion source size accessible experimentally

6 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 6 Two-pion correlation functions in A+A and p+p collisions baseline shape is the challenge in p+p data

7 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 777 pp at sqrt(s) = 900 GeV 250 k minimum bias events 10 days starting on Dec 6, 2009

8 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 8D. Miskowiec, ALICE femto meeting 2010-03-2288 identical pion correlation functions Bose-Einstein peak clearly visible

9 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 9D. Miskowiec, ALICE femto meeting 2010-03-2299 Unlike-sign pion correlation function Coulomb and K 0 S peaks visible

10 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 10 Multiplicity and transverse momentum dependence identical pions unlike-sign pions baseline has to be treated properly

11 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 11 Multiplicity dependence visible dependence in pp  HBT radii depend on multiplicity rather than on collision geometry for comp.: nuclear collisions M. Lisa, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 55, 357

12 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 12 Transverse momentum dependence no significant dependence on transverse momentum for comparison: in nuclear collisions

13 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 13 Dependence on the baseline assumption but: transverse momentum dependence is sensitive to the baseline shape assumption

14 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 14 pp at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV 180 M minimum bias events from March 31 till now 120 M events used for this talk

15 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 15 pp at sqrt(s) = 900 GeV 7 M minbias events on May 2-3, 2010 2.1 M events used for this talk

16 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 16 7 TeV and new 900 GeV data high-q baseline flatter at 7 TeV identical pion correlations 120 M events at 7 TeV 2.1 M events at 0.9 TeV

17 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 17 π + π - correlations at 7 TeV K0SK0S ρ f0f0 f2f2 ω Coulomb rich resonance structure low-q baseline steeper at 7 TeV  origin: jets high-q baseline flatter at 7 TeV  origin: momentum cons.

18 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 18 Non-identical particle correlations from pp at 7 TeV C(q out ) asymmetry -- another handle on transverse flow pion - kaon pion - proton K*K* Δ Λ example: Pb+Au at 17.2 GeV CF’s from CERES π+π - π - p π+p

19 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 19 Summary HBT radii at 900 GeV depend on multiplicity no strong dependence on transverse momentum correlation baseline of crucial importance

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21 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 21 transverse momentum dependence of R side

22 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 22 baseline slope significant at 0.9 TeV and above study by Adam Kisiel

23 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 23 7 TeV, identical pions low mult high mult

24 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 24 High stat 900 GeV from 2010, identical pions low mult high mult

25 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 25 7 TeV, unlike-sign pions low mult high mult

26 Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 26 High stat 900 GeV, from 2010 unlike-sign pions low mult high mult

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