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The Jet Stream and Our Weather

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Presentation on theme: "The Jet Stream and Our Weather"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Jet Stream and Our Weather

2 What is the Jet Stream? The jet stream is a narrow band of fast moving air near the top of the troposphere It separates a mass of cold air from a mass of warm air.

3 What is the Jet Stream? Due to the prevailing westerlies, the jet stream moves over the North American continent from West to East.

4 What is the Jet Stream? The location of these jet streams shift throughout the year. They are said to "follow the sun" since they move north with warm temperatures (summer) and south with cold temperatures (winter).

5 What is the Jet Stream? Jet streams are also stronger in the winter because there is a large difference in temperatures between polar and tropical air masses. In the summer, the temperature difference is less extreme between the air masses and the jet stream is weaker.

6 What is the Jet Stream

7 How does the Jet Stream affect our weather?
Jet streams influence the weather by separating warm and cold air and pushing weather systems around the globe. The movement of a jet stream affects temperatures and precipitation. Weather System: Areas of high and low pressure, weather fronts, and storms.

8 The Gulf Stream and Our Weather

9 What is the Gulf Stream? The Gulf Stream is a fast, warm ocean current in the Atlantic Ocean. It moves north along the coast of Florida and then turns eastward off of North Carolina, flowing northeast across the Atlantic.

10 What is the Gulf Stream? the Gulf Stream affects the climate of the areas closest to the current by transferring tropical heat toward the northern latitudes.

11 What is the Gulf Stream? Scientists agree that the climate of Western and Northern Europe is warmer than it would be otherwise because of the Gulf Stream.

12 In Conclusion Why is it important to know where the jet stream will be in predicting weather? How does the Gulf Stream affect temperatures here in North Carolina and also in Europe?

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