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Cell Membranes and Transport. A Cell is a Container A cell is the basic unit of life A cell and some organelles are containers formed by one or more membranes.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Membranes and Transport. A Cell is a Container A cell is the basic unit of life A cell and some organelles are containers formed by one or more membranes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Membranes and Transport

2 A Cell is a Container A cell is the basic unit of life A cell and some organelles are containers formed by one or more membranes Membranes must be selectively permeable barriers to maintain specific internal conditions for life functions (homeostasis).

3 Phospholipid ← attracts water ← repels water

4 Phospholipids Form a Bilayer in Water

5 The Cell Membrane: Fluid Mosaic Model

6 Components of the Cell Membrane Phospholipid Bilayer: serves as a barrier separating water in (cytoplasm) from water out (extracellular fluid or environment) Cholesterol: stabilizes membrane at warm temperatures Membrane Proteins: proteins embedded in bilayer that serve various functions such as transporting substances across the membrane (transport proteins), receiving chemical signals (receptor proteins), cell- cell recognition (recognition proteins).

7 Diffusion

8 Diffusion Does Not Require Energy

9 Osmosis = diffusion of water

10 Osmosis

11 Blood cells in isotonic solution (0.9% NaCl) Blood cells in hypertonic solution (1.01% NaCl) Blood cells in hypotonic solution (0.65% NaCl)

12 Some single-celled organisms must actively regulate water balance

13 Facilitated Diffusion vs. Active Transport

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