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Presented by : Dr. Sarah Mustafa Eljack Babiker

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1 Presented by : Dr. Sarah Mustafa Eljack Babiker

2 About the course The name of the course is computer security Its pure theoretical topic no lab work. It has three credit hours Its an important topic especially nowadays

3 The course objectives Understand the basic concepts in computer security Explain main concepts related to applied cryptography Explain the concepts of malicious code, including virus, Trojan horse, and worms. Outline the requirements and mechanisms for identification and authentication.

4 The course objectives Explain and compare security mechanisms for conventional operating systems Describe threats to networks, and explain techniques for ensuring network security Explain the requirements and techniques for security management, including security policies, risk analysis, and physical threats and controls. Understand the concepts of web security

5 The course outlines مبادئ الأمن، النماذج، والهجمات. Principles of Security, attacks علم التشفير ( الترميز السري ). التعمية بمفتاح وبمفتاح سري. Cryptography, public and private key encryption, التحقق ( التثبت ) والتوقيعات الرقمية.verification and digital signature برتوكولات التشفير وإدارة المفاتيح.encryption protocols and key managements التحكم في الوصول. بناء نظم حاسوبية آمنة.access control and الامن في نظم التشغيل. Operating system security الامن في شبكات الحاسوبية. Computer network security إدارة وتحليل الامن الحاسوبي، تحليل المخاطر، سياسات الامن الحاسوبي.computer security analysis and management, risk analysis, computer security policies المواصفات والمقاييس العالمية لامن المعلومات.international specification and standardization of information security اكتشاف الاقتحام والاستجابة للواقعة. Detect intrusions and responding to the incident

6 The main Reference William Stallings, Lawrie Brown, “Computer Security: Principles and Practice”, Prentice Hall 2008, ISBN 13: 9780136004240

7 Other References Mark Stamp, "Information Security : Principles and Practice",2006 Jon Wiley & Sons Inc., ISBN 13 978-0- 471-73848-0 Charles P. Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, “Security in Compung” 4/E, PrenTce Hall 2007, ISBN-13: 9780132390774 Michael Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, Introduction to Computer Security, Addison-Wesley 2011, ISBN-13: 9780321512949

8 The course outcomes After finishing this course the student must be able to Introduce the principles of security Define the cryptography Differentiates between public and private key encryption Implement the appropriate security method Perform the network security methods

9 Assessment The course assessment consist of 1 st test week six 15% 2 nd test week twelve 15% Seminar and presentation 10% Final exam week fifteen 60%

10 Question bank Questions will be made each week in the training hour. Each student should try to answer the questions individually. Collecting these questions to be a question bank covering all the subject.

11 Contacting the course instructor The lecture time is the specific time to discuss any issues related to subject The class room is the place where the students can ask and discuss any related topics. The office hours are for academic questions,

12 . Thanks for listening

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