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Yellow fever Chelsea Booth.

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1 Yellow fever Chelsea Booth

2 What is yellow fever? Mosquito virus
Tropical/subtropical South America and Africa Spread via slave trade


4 Transmission RNA virus, Flavivirus genus
Through the bite of the infected Aedes or Haemagogus species Mosquitos get infected from the blood of infected primates 3 cycles Jungle (Sylvatic): monkeys to mosquitos to humans working in the jungle Savannah: monkey to human or human to humans working in the jungle Urban: human to human via mosquito



7 symptoms Many cases present no symptoms Incubation period 3-6 days Sudden onset fever, chills, headache, back pain, general body aches, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness. General improvement follows 15% cases more severe. High fever, jaundice, bleeding, shock and organ failure

8 Diagnosis & treatment Use combination of symptoms, travel history Blood test for anti-YFV antibodies where available Treat symptoms. Rest, fluid and pain medication/fever reducer NSAIDS increase risk of bleeding Take care infected people aren’t bit by mosquitos during this time to prevent spread of virus

9 prevention Insect repellent Protective clothing Staying indoors / air conditioning Vaccination older than 9 months, traveling to at risk area no longer need a booster immunocompromised should not be vaccinated some nations require proof of vaccination


11 Yellow fever: the numbers
1 billion people live in area where disease is common Cases increasing because: fewer immune, cities, movement, climate change 200,000 infections/30,000 deaths per year 90% in Africa




15 References diseases-related-to-travel/yellow-fever png vector-borne-diseases/ PAHclSDI/AAAAAAAAABQ/EFysLh7RU0c/s320/Haemagogus.gif

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