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Ethnicity Sputum smear CXR resultSymptoms Symptom length CRP mg/L Lymph x10 9 /L Neut x10 9 /L IGRAOther White YDensity & cavityCough, sweats1 months10.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethnicity Sputum smear CXR resultSymptoms Symptom length CRP mg/L Lymph x10 9 /L Neut x10 9 /L IGRAOther White YDensity & cavityCough, sweats1 months10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethnicity Sputum smear CXR resultSymptoms Symptom length CRP mg/L Lymph x10 9 /L Neut x10 9 /L IGRAOther White YDensity & cavityCough, sweats1 months10 1.016.89 +ve Black YDensity & cavityCough, sweats1 months50 1.369.5 +vePrevious TB, smoker Black YDensity & cavityCough, weight loss, sweats2 months79 1.224.4 +ve ISC YDensity & cavityCough1 months19 1.656.89 +veDiabetic White YDensityCough, weight loss9 months174 0.346.79 +veHeavy smoker ISC Y (BAL)DensityCough, weight loss, sweats3 months163 1.177.99 +ve Black NDensityCough, sweats1 months80 0.483.76 +ve Black NBHLCough, weight loss, sweats2 months59 1.572.52 ND Black YDensity & cavitiesCough, weight loss, sweats1 months230 0.610.05 +ve ISC YDensityCough, weight loss, sweats4 months50 27.4 ND ISC NNormalWeight loss, sweats1 months11 1.215.38 +ve ISC NCavitationCough, sweats24 months45 1.64.93 +veAlcohol excess WhiteY (BAL) Density Cough, sweats, weight lossN/A 86 0.4 +veAlcohol excess WhiteYDensity & cavity Cough, sweats, weight loss N/A 47 1.57.8 +veSmoker WhiteY Density & cavity Cough, sweats, weight lossN/A 75 1.27.4 +veAsthma WhiteN Density Cough, sweats, weight lossN/A 54 1.74.1 +ve Previous TB, smoker AVERAGE2.5 symptoms4 mnths77 1.26 Ethnicity Sputum smear CXR resultSymptoms Symptom length CRP mg/L Lymph x10 9 /L Neut x10 9 /L IGRAOther Black -BHL, DensityNone1 years2 1.32.84 -ve ISC -BHLCough,fatigue,sweats2 months35 0.813.57 -ve ISC -BHL, DensityNoneasymp1 1.922.9 -ve Black -BHL, DensityCough, dyspnoea, fatigue2 years17 1.183.43 -ve Psoriasis, 5mg pred daily ISC -BHLNone4 years1 21.55 -ve Black -BHLFatigue10 years2 1.233.78 -ve ISC -BHLNoneasymp1 1.263.92 -ve Black -BHL Cough, dyspnoea, fatigue, weight loss, sweats 8 monthsND 1.77 -ve White -BHLNone6 months8 1.831.92 -veAutoimmune diseases White -BHLNone2 months1 1.373.16 -vePrevious cancer White -BHLFatigue5 years12 24.6 -ve White -BHLNone2 months2 1.16.16 -veMild stroke White -BHLNone3 years9 1.054.53 -ve Diabetes, Previous cancer White -BHLNone9 yearsND 1.523.19 -ve White -BHLNone13 years4 2.553.22 -ve White -DensityFatigue10 years3 0.682.15 indHypertension White -FibrosisCough, dyspnoea, fatigue2 yearsND 1.235.49 -veDiabetes, Hypertension White -BHL, DensityNone4 years4 0.432.73 -veGout White -FibrosisCough10 years17 0.997.4 -veGlaucoma White -BHL, Density Cough, dyspnoea, fatigue, weight loss 6 months3 1.63.68 -ve White -BHLNone5 years4 1.062.86 -ve White -BHL, Density Cough, dyspnoea, fatigue, weight loss 4 years1 0.643.29 -ve White -DensityNone9 yearsND 0.654.14 -ve Black -DensityCough6 years4 0.971.53 -ve White -BHL, DensityNone4 years ND 0.612.76 -ve AVEARGE 1 symptom4 yrs6.3 1.33.7 Table S2A Table S2B

2 Ethnicity +ve micro results CXRSymptoms CURB65 score (0-5) CRP mg/L Lymph x10 9 /L Neut x10 9 /L QFTOther Intravenous antibiotics before blood test (total doses) WhiteMycoplasma Multilobar consolidation Cough, fevers03210.765.43Neg2 WhiteNoConsolidation Cough, chest pain, dyspnoea, fevers, vomiting 33831.5517.36NegPrevious TB8 WhiteNoConsolidationCough, dyspnoea23080.9419.29NegDementia0 WhiteNoConsolidation Cough, dyspnoea, fevers, nausea 22561.6314.07NegHT, DM2 WhiteMycoplasma Mutlilobar consolidation Cough, haemoptysis, dyspnoea, fevers 0881.3610.34Neg2 MENoConsolidation Fevers, malaise, nausea 12590.98.49PosHT, DM6 WhiteNoConsolidation Cough, fevers, dyspnoea 03421.568.2Neg3 ISCNo Multilobar consolidation Cough, chest pain, dyspnoea, fevers 05052.3414.83NegSmoker5 AVERAGE3.5 symptoms2703.912.33.5 EthnicityHistologyLung Cancer Stage Symptoms CRP mg/L Lymph x10 9 /L Neut x10 9 /L Other BlackSquamous4Weight loss, hemiparesis90.887.32smoker WhiteAdeno3bNoneNA smoker WhiteLarge cell3aCough, weight loss, dyspnoea421.285.34ex-smoker WhiteLarge cell3aCough, weight loss, dyspnoea1331.2511.67smoker WhiteLarge cell3a Cough, haemoptysis, weight loss, sweats 1601.5711.03ex-smoker WhiteAdeno3aNoneNA0.268.71smoker WhiteAdeno3aCough, dyspnoea15.71.93NR WhiteAdeno3b Cough, haemoptysis, weight loss, sweats 1461.7311.27ex-smoker AVERAGE 3a-b 2.6 symptoms631.39.2 Table S2C Table S2D

3 AVERAGE +ve micro results No with consolidation No. of Symptoms Length (days) CURB 65 CRP mg/L Lymph x10 9 /L Neut x10 9 /L QFT Co- morbidities IV Antibiotics before blood test (doses) Oral Antibiotics before test (days) Pneumonia Training 0.313.47.30.51001. Pneumonia Test 0.313.36.10.51331. p<0.05No AVERAGE Length of disease (months) No. of symptoms CXR stage No of co- morbidities No. positive QFT Lymph x10 9 /L Neut x10 9 /L ACE IU/ml Sarcoidosis Training46. Sarcoidosis Test & Validation p<0.05No AVERAGE HistologyLung Cancer Stage Symptoms CRP mg/L Lymph x10 9 /L Neut x10 9 /L Smoker/Ex-smoker Lung Cancer Training 4 types3a-b2.3841.39.20.9 Lung Cancer Test 4 types3b2.8471.35.70.8 p<0.05NoYesNo AVERAGE Sputum smear +ve CXR result No of Symptoms Symptom length (months) CRP mg/L Lymph x10 9 /L Neut x10 9 /L No of co- morbidities TB Training69%75% densities, 50% cavities2.54771.26 TB Test & Validation 45%78% densities, 44% cavities2.72.5771.57.01.1 p<0.05YesNo Table S2E Table S2F Table S2G Table S2H

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