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Innovators Exchange Stakeholder Engagement Strategies Nate Anderson.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovators Exchange Stakeholder Engagement Strategies Nate Anderson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovators Exchange Stakeholder Engagement Strategies Nate Anderson

2 Common Understanding What does stakeholder engagement mean to you? Why do it? 2

3 Engaging Whom? Who are the stakeholders you think are critical to engage? 3

4 Overcoming Barriers What makes stakeholder engagement so hard? 4

5 Principles of Public Engagement* 5 Bring people into the process early Go beyond the usual suspects Listen more, talk less Set a constructive, problem-solving tone Start where people are Avoid overly technical discussions Offer choices for deliberation Expect obstacles and resistances Follow-up is critical *Source: Public Agenda

6 What works (and doesn’t) 6 1.What not to do 2.What works: The stakeholder engagement strategies you have used in the past

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