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Wednesday, January 14 th Bell Work: Please pick up your notebook and copy down the EQ and WOD for today from the boards. Then, if you have a smartphone.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, January 14 th Bell Work: Please pick up your notebook and copy down the EQ and WOD for today from the boards. Then, if you have a smartphone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, January 14 th Bell Work: Please pick up your notebook and copy down the EQ and WOD for today from the boards. Then, if you have a smartphone or tablet with you today, go to the website below. If you do not, partner up with someone who does for the next few minutes.

2 Daily Agenda: Bell Work: Kahoot Review WOD  Pathogen Review: Heads Up! Review Race Video Clip: Indus Valley Civilization Research: River Valley Civilizations Graphic Organizer: Open Compare and Contrast Summarizer: Report Cards Essential Question: Did all early civilizations follow the same path of development? If not, how did differing paths lead to different societal characteristics? Homework: Students will read Bentley and Ziegler, pgs. 57-68

3 Pathogen – something that causes disease What do George Bush, Alec Baldwin, and Jamie Lyn Sigler all have in common? Each fell victim to a spirochetal bacteria PATHOGEN from the genus Borrelia. The resulting Lyme disease had serious short-term effects on each celebrity, though all sought treatment and have avoided long-term symptoms. This PATHOGEN is transmitted to humans through tick bites, and Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in the Northern Hemisphere. The CDC reports 30,000 new cases in the U.S. each year, but estimates it may be as high as 300,000 each year. (Read-Aloud) Wednesday, January 14 th, Block 1 Pronunciation for Word Click on the image to learn more about Lyme Disease

4 River Valley Civilization Jigsaw 1 st Block Mesopotamia (Ch. pg. 14-23)  Lexi, Jared, Cody, Robert, Hannah, Holly Egypt (Ch.1 pg. 23-29)  Bodie, Sydney, Mia, Lena, Vashti, Melanie Indus Valley (Ch. 1 pg. 29-33)  Antonio, Icely, Caylee, Ben, Brandon China (Ch. 2 pg. 38-48)  Nick, Cali, Ryan, Bailee, Rielly, Gavin Directions: Working in these groups, take 20 minutes to read the assigned sections, taking notes about the civilizations using the GRAPES notes sheet provided.

5 Group Comparison: Working in your new partner, complete the Open Compare and Contrast worksheet to compare any two river valley civilizations society. Be sure that your differences are direct comparisons.

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