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 Introduction  Methodology  Case Study 1 : Event-B and RODN  Case Study 2 : B-Method and Atelier B  Observations and Analysis  Conclusion.

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2  Introduction  Methodology  Case Study 1 : Event-B and RODN  Case Study 2 : B-Method and Atelier B  Observations and Analysis  Conclusion

3 To evaluate the usability of Event-B and Rodin compared to B-Method and Atelier B Demonstrate how easy it is to learn Event-B with Rodin Focus on novice users – context of education

4 B-Method - method of software development based on B - programming language code is developed from specifications. - relates to the B language, refinement, proof and its related tools. - Supporting tool : Atelier B Event-B - Evolution of B - Supporting tool : Rodin

5  Case Study Demonstration  Case Study 1 : Event-B and Rodin  Case Study 2 : B-Method and Atelier B  Usability Evaluation  Cognitive Dimensions Framework  ISO Usability criteria  Generic case study evaluation criteria suggested by Rodin

6  Case Study Demonstration  Case Study 1 : Event-B and Rodin - Simple Railway System  Case Study 2 : B-Method and Atelier B - Simple Jukebox System



9  Usability Evaluation  Cognitive Dimensions Framework - CD questionnaire ; 14 CDs  ISO Usability criteria - Learnability and Understandability  Generic case study evaluation criteria suggested by Rodin - 6 criteria

10 types and availability of abstraction mechanisms. -high level of abstraction for both notations Relates to learnability and understandability

11 how closely related is the notation to the end result

12 Are similar semantics expressed in similar syntactic forms. - High level of consistency for both notations Relates to learnability and understandability

13 Verbosity of a language High level for novice users of both notations Mathematical symbols - short and have 1 interpretation Expressions long-winded and complicated- difficult for novice users compared to experts Relates to learnability and understandability

14 Does the notation invite mistakes High level for novice users of both notations Relates to learnability and understandability

15 Did tasks require a high demand of mental effort. High level for novice users of both notations Need to understand set theory and 1 st order logic Need to get familiar with mathematical symbols Need to get familiar with ASCII symbols Relates to learnability and understandability

16 Does the notation invite mistakes

17 whether the work-to-date can be checked at any time Dependent on the tool Both tools have option to save work till-date Shows error for dependencies Related to learnability and understandability

18 the ability to provide any extra information in means other than a formal syntax. Use English for comments Use ‘Pretty Print’ for indentation ASCII symbols to represent mathematical symbols

19 resistance to change High level of repetition viscosity Have to manually change name of variable No auto-update available in both tools Related to learnability and understandability

20 ability to view components easily/ ability to place components side by side

21 The Rodin tool is much more user-friendly, attractive and easy to use. Easier to learn the Event-B notation with Rodin Rodin provides good user manual Existing B tools are tedious

22 Thank You Q&A

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