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By Jack Barnes. Emperor Penguin The emperor penguin is the tallest and heaviest of all penguin species. It stands at about 1.2 metres tall and is in the.

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Presentation on theme: "By Jack Barnes. Emperor Penguin The emperor penguin is the tallest and heaviest of all penguin species. It stands at about 1.2 metres tall and is in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Jack Barnes

2 Emperor Penguin The emperor penguin is the tallest and heaviest of all penguin species. It stands at about 1.2 metres tall and is in the range of 22 to 45kg. It is the only Antarctic living penguin, that breeds during the winter. That’s amazing when the temperature drops to -40  C and underwater -1  C. An emperor penguin is one of a kind. It can adapt to conditions as low as -47  C and as high as 38  C.

3 Wandering Albatross The wandering albatross is a pretty large bird and records the longest wingspan. It measures about 1m long and it’s wingspan is 3.1 metres long. It weighs between 6.35 and 11.91kg.. These birds live much longer then the Emperor penguin living more than 50 years.

4 Blue Eyed Shag Blue eyed shags are not the most famous bird. In fact, they are quite rare. Not much research has been down on them but what they do know is that these birds head South. Many live in Antarctica, but not all. Some of them do not go as far South as Antarctica. Most of these birds live in South America and New Zealand.

5 Leopard Seal The leopard seal is the 2 nd largest species in Antarctica. Trailing behind the southern fur seal. It’s approximate height is 3m and it’s approximate weight is 400kg. Like whales, these seals do a bit with their mouths underwater. They ‘sing’. When they are above the water, they tend to growl. In the food chain list, leopard seals are 2 nd, behind the killer whales which is the biggest threat to most animals. After all, it likes a tasty meal. Especially penguins.

6 Cape Pigeon These birds are rather common to the world with around 2 million of them existing, right now. These birds feed on fish and squid. But krill would be their favourite, similar to most animals. These birds breed on level ground or a cliff. As long as it’s higher than a kilometre above the ground.

7 Killer Whale The killer whale or the orca, is a toothed whale belonging to the oceanic dolphin family. Killer whales, have complex hunting techniques that prove to work as they are top of the food chain list. A female whale starts to behave and act more mature when they reach the age of 10. The birth of a young one can happen at anytime past the range of 10.

8 Krill Krill is found in all parts of the oceans water. Krill measures 1mm long and is a treat to animals from fish, to baleen whales. Chandra Bahadur Dangi would love krill as a pet as he is the smallest man in the world.

9 Gentoo Penguin These penguins are only found in Antarctica, a few nearby islands and the tiniest amount live right at the very Southernmost point of South America. It has a lot of predators including killer whale, leopard seal and sea lions. Baby eggs weigh about 130g each and it takes around 90 days before it can start to live life in the water. I know they aren’t famous, but my Sisters would love these penguins as a pet. They would love to protect them from predators, and love them and look after them. They are very cute, they look like stuffed toy.

10 Giant Petrel These birds live in the Southern Hemisphere. There is another bird similar to these called the northern giant petrel. They weigh about 5kg and the sit at about 2m tall. Surprising for these birds, they tend to eat penguins and seals.

11 Southern Fur Seal The Southern fur seal, otherwise known as the Antarctic fur seal, is 1 of 9 fur seals. It grows up to 2 metres long and weighs about 91kg. A female breeds in summer on southern islands such as South Georgia across to Macquarie Island. These seals have a small diet that includes krill, squid and fish.

12 Bibliography

13 Bibliography (2)

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