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Cooking Terms. Cutting Terms Cube Cut food into same- size pieces 1/2” or larger.

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Presentation on theme: "Cooking Terms. Cutting Terms Cube Cut food into same- size pieces 1/2” or larger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooking Terms

2 Cutting Terms Cube Cut food into same- size pieces 1/2” or larger

3 Cutting Terms Mince Cut into the smallest possible pieces.

4 Cutting Terms Pare To cut a thin peel off

5 Cutting Terms Julienne To cut food into thin, stick-sized strips

6 Cutting Terms Dice Cut a food into pieces 1/8” to 1/4” on each side.

7 Mixing Terms BeatMix thoroughly in an over and over motion. BlendMix 2 or more ingredients MixMix ingredients by beating or stirring Combine Mix 2 or more ingredients together

8 Mixing Terms Cream Beat until soft.

9 Mixing Terms Fold-In To mix a delicate mixture into a thicker, heavier mixture using a down-up-over motion.

10 Mixing Terms Cut In Combine solid fat with flour using a pastry blender.

11 Mixing Terms Knead Work dough by pressing it with the heels of hand, folding it, turning it, and repeating

12 Mixing Terms Sift Put through a sieve to reduce to smaller particles.

13 Mixing Terms Toss To mix lightly.

14 Mixing Terms Whip Beat quickly and steadily by hand with a whisk or rotary beater.

15 Other Terms Baste To spoon liquid over the surface of food during cooking to keep the food moist and add flavor.

16 Other Terms Marinate Soak in a solution containing an acid, such as vinegar, to help tenderize and add flavor.

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