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Anatomy of the Knee Not a true hinge joint.

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1 Anatomy of the Knee Not a true hinge joint

2 The knee is NOT a true hinge joint!
Non-weight bearing Full extension the tibia rotates laterally In flexion the tibia rotates medially Weight bearing the femur rotates medially on tibia

3 Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL)
Connects the lateral condyle of femur to the fibular head Shaped like a pencil-1”-1.5” long Function: prevents adduction of the tibia

4 Medial Collateral Ligament(MCL)
Connects medial condyle of femur to the abductor tubercle of tibia Flat, long, thick ligament - 6”-6.5”long Attaches to medial meniscus Prevents abduction of tibia

5 Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)
Located anteriorly on tibia and twists as it attaches posteriorly on femur (medial-lateral)

6 Function of ACL Prevents anterior displacement of tibia
Prevents hyperextension Prevents medial/lateral rotation of tibia Prevents posterior displacement of femur

7 Rotation of ACL Prevents medial/lateral rotation
ACL is stretched and torn during rotation

8 Which knee? Notice medial insertion on tibia and lateral insertion of femur

9 Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL)
Runs lateral from tibia to medial attachment of femur MAJOR STABILZER OF THE KNEE Hyperextension damages PCL; during lateral rotation PCL tightens

10 Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL)
Function: 1. Prevents anterior displacement of femur 2. Prevents posterior displacement of tibia

11 Meniscus Medial – C shaped Lateral – O shaped
Function: deepens the articulation of joint and adds stability Complaint – “giving out”

12 Bursae Sacs of Knee Fat pads around the knee that provide cushioning

13 Synovial capsule Encapsulated watertight membrane that secretes a fluid that lubricates and nourishes the joint When irritated a cyst forms at the weakest part of the capsule – back of the knee – popliteal space

14 Retinaculum Thick fascia that holds tendons in place around the knee

15 Patella and patellar tendon
Patella - sesamoid bone that increases the torque Quadriceps tendon attaches rectus femoris to superior aspect of patella Patella tendon attaches the quadriceps to the tibial tuberosity

16 Quadriceps Rectus femoris – 2 joints Vastus lateralis
Vastus intermedius Vastus medialis

17 Hamstrings Biceps femoris – lateral Semitendinosus – medial 2nd
Semimembranosus – medial 1st

18 Gastrocnemius/Soleus
Gastrocnemius is a two jointed muscle: Plantar flexion of the ankle and flexion of the knee.

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