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Chapter 12. Hard living tissues that make up your skeleton… Support Frame of your “house” & Protect protects organs.

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1 Chapter 12


3 Hard living tissues that make up your skeleton… Support Frame of your “house” & Protect protects organs

4  Skull – brain  Ribs – heart, lungs, stomach  Spine (backbone) – spinal cord ◦ 33 bones called vertebrae  Spinal cord carries messages from the brain to the rest of the body.  Patella (kneecap) – knee joint and ends of leg bones


6  Cells – tiny living parts that make up our bodies ◦ Daily DEATH! (cells die everyday) ◦ NEW LIFE! – every day dead cells are replaced with new living cells.  Tissue – a group of cells working together ◦ Bones are made of vary hard tissue

7 Hollow area with marrow Hard compact bone Blood vessels and nerves Light sponge bone pg. 260

8  Bones have empty space in them. In some bones these area are filled with marrow.  Marrow ◦ Soft, jellylike material used to produce new blood cells.

9  Minerals ◦ Your bones store minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. ◦ Calcium – makes bones strong  Milk & yogurt = good source of calcium  Your bones store minerals and then release them to the rest of your body as cells need them.

10 skull phalanges sternum ribs vertebrae femur patella

11 Immovable Movable

12 Hip Joint

13  Allows movement in many directions ◦ Examples:  Shoulders  Hips

14  Allows only back and forth movements ◦ This type of joint works like a door on a hinge. ◦ Example:  Elbows  Knees

15  Allows side to side movement ◦ Example:  Top vertebrae of the neck

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