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Year Four Adults working with each class: Class teachers: Mrs Kind & Mrs Cotton(4a) Miss Jopling (4b) Teaching assistants for 4a: Mrs Poizer & Mrs Wright.

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Presentation on theme: "Year Four Adults working with each class: Class teachers: Mrs Kind & Mrs Cotton(4a) Miss Jopling (4b) Teaching assistants for 4a: Mrs Poizer & Mrs Wright."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year Four Adults working with each class: Class teachers: Mrs Kind & Mrs Cotton(4a) Miss Jopling (4b) Teaching assistants for 4a: Mrs Poizer & Mrs Wright Teaching assistants for 4b: Mrs Elderfield & Miss Jones

2 Year Four  The children’s timetables and routines  What children learn in Y4  What expectations we have of the children  How to access and use the blog

3 Mrs Kind/Mrs Cotton Timetable

4 Miss Jopling Timetable

5 Year 4 topics for 2014/2015 Autumn Science-States of Matter / Sound Topic – Tudors / The Roman Empire RE – Buddhism / Christianity PE – Swimming & Dance / Gymnastics Spring Science – Electricity / Animals (Including humans) Topic – South America (Brazil) / Rainforests RE – Judaism / Islam PE – Swimming & Dance / Invasion games Summer Science – All living things Topic – Indus Valley RE – Sikhism PE – Swimming & Athletics / Outdoor & adventurous activities Art/DT will be taught cross curricular within topic and our WOW questions.

6 Homework Homework is set on a regular basis, for all children. Numeracy & Literacy (including spellings) are set on Wednesday to be returned the following Monday. Reading books to be changed on Monday. PE PE kit comprises of: black/blue shorts, white T-shirts and pumps or trainers for outdoor games. Yr4a- Wednesday - Swimming Thursday -Indoor or outdoor PE Yr4b - Wednesday - Swimming Friday – Indoor or outdoor PE Den Tuesday - Children to have a change of shoes, trousers and a coat

7 Reading In order for children to meet end of year expectations children should read for 10 to 15 minutes each day away from distractions. Children should be able to: Give a personal point of view on a text. Can re-explain a text with confidence. Justify inferences with evidence, predicting what might happen from details stated or implied. Use appropriate voices for characters within a story. Identify how sentence type can be changed by altering word order, tenses, adding/deleting words or amending punctuation. Skims & scans to locate information and/or answer a question.

8 Writing Children should be able to: Variation in sentence structure, using different openers. Use adjectival phrases (e.g. biting cold wind). Appropriate choice of noun or pronoun. Apostrophe for singular & plural possession. Comma after fronted adverbial (e.g. Later that day, I heard bad news.). Use commas to mark clauses. Use connectives to link paragraphs. Legible, joined handwriting of consistent quality. See Alan Peat sentence types

9 Numeracy Children should be able to: Count backwards through zero to include negative numbers. Compare & order numbers beyond 1000. Compare & order numbers with 2 decimal places. Read Roman numerals to 100. Find 1000 more/less than a given number. Count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 & 1000. Recall & use multiplication & division facts all tables to 12x12. Recognise place value of any 4-digit number. Round any number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. Round decimals with 1dp to nearest whole number. See draft calculation policy on website for more support.

10 Numeracy Children should be able to: Add & subtract: Numbers with up to 4-digits using efficient written method Numbers with up to 1dp. Multiply: 2-digit by 1-digit 3-digit by 1-digit Divide: 3-digit by 1-digit Count up/down in hundredths. Write equivalent fractions Add and subtract fractions with same denominator. Read, write & convert time between analogue & digital 12 & 24 hour clocks. See draft calculation policy on website for more support.

11 Proposed Trips Autumn term: Bramhall Hall – linked to the Tudor topic Visit to a Buddhist temple Pantomime Spring term: Local church Summer term: Zoo or Safari Park

12  Dates for your diary

13 We take this issue very seriously at Brookburn Primary. Internet and social media safety is taught to all year groups at the beginning of the school year. We have school-wide safety features, but if anything gets past the filters, students are taught to switch off the screen and report to a member of staff immediately. Staying Safe on the Internet

14 Blogs: Access our class blogs to see what we have been up to and to find links to play games that will help with your child’s learning: Miss Jopling: Mrs Kind/Mrs Cotton:

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