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Adapting Materials for Classroom Presentations Terry Arzola Instructional Development Specialist RVS LRS Austin Community College.

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Presentation on theme: "Adapting Materials for Classroom Presentations Terry Arzola Instructional Development Specialist RVS LRS Austin Community College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adapting Materials for Classroom Presentations Terry Arzola Instructional Development Specialist RVS LRS Austin Community College

2 Main Points n Understand the format of the medium n Analyze your material n Gather your tools & services n Adapt your material to the format & the audience

3 Format n Teleconferencing is still TV…just fewer camerapeople n YOU are the main source of information, not the medium

4 Format Standard slides Widescreen Movies HDTV Photographs 35mm / 16mm / 8mm Overhead Transparencies Video 2 x 3 4 x 5 3 x 4 1 x 2.55 n Aspect Ratio

5 Video format


7 Natural Focus Zone PowerPoint format The “Kill” Zone -about 10% safe title area

8 Information Areas n Place text fields & graphics in established viewing areas n Use text and drawing tools to control text & images that threaten boundaries

9 Material & Tools n Review outline & simplify main points in advance n Review your support material –Simplify charts, tables, diagrams, etc. –Provide handouts for complex data n Make use of tools & services to make information visible & readable n Be creative and simple

10 Adapt to Format & Audience n Use tools like PowerPoint, overheads or a web site to cue main points n Give outlines to students n Provide opportunities for interaction with students, especially those at remote site

11 Example: Charts n EM Spectrum

12 Example: Charts


14 Example: Tables

15 These columns irrelevant to determining the necessary information at this time...

16 Example: Tables


18 Example: A More Visible Table


20 Example: Handouts 102468109753102468 9753

21 Example: Handouts n Serial Dilution Principle

22 ____M ____ stock solution placed in container 1 ____ solvent placed in container 2 ____ solvent placed in container 3 ____ solvent placed in container 4 ____ solvent placed in container 5 12345 ____ transferred from container 1 to container 2 ____ transferred from container 2 to container 3 ____ transferred from container 3 to container 4 ____ transferred from container 3 to container 4 ____ discarded Step 2: Place correct amount of stock solution in container 1 Step 2: Place correct amount of stock solution in container 1 Step 1: Place correct amount of solvent in containers 2 - 5 Step 1: Place correct amount of solvent in containers 2 - 5 Step 3: Transfer correct amount of solution from one tube to the next, mixing well after each transfer. Step 3: Transfer correct amount of solution from one tube to the next, mixing well after each transfer.

23 ____M ____ stock solution placed in container 1 ____ solvent placed in container 2 ____ solvent placed in container 3 ____ solvent placed in container 4 ____ solvent placed in container 5 12345 ____ transferred from container 1 to container 2 ____ transferred from container 2 to container 3 ____ transferred from container 3 to container 4 ____ transferred from container 3 to container 4 ____ discarded Step 2: Place correct amount of stock solution in container 1 Step 2: Place correct amount of stock solution in container 1 Step 1: Place correct amount of solvent in containers 2 - 5 Step 1: Place correct amount of solvent in containers 2 - 5 Step 3: Transfer correct amount of solution from one tube to the next, mixing well after each transfer. Step 3: Transfer correct amount of solution from one tube to the next, mixing well after each transfer. 5.56 mL5.0 mL 0.56 mL

24 Example: Maps RGC RVS EVC

25 Example: Maps

26 Example: Photographs

27 Example: Video Captures Cladophora, 4x

28 Example: Video Captures Cladophora, 40x

29 What This Means n Prepare in advance for the medium n Use the medium to summarize your points, not carry the show n Use supplemental material to convey detail & reinforce learning

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