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“Love Divine” Part 10 “This Abrahamic Age”. We know that the Bible and life are full of metaphors, symbols and allegories that reveal different aspects.

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Presentation on theme: "“Love Divine” Part 10 “This Abrahamic Age”. We know that the Bible and life are full of metaphors, symbols and allegories that reveal different aspects."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Love Divine” Part 10 “This Abrahamic Age”

2 We know that the Bible and life are full of metaphors, symbols and allegories that reveal different aspects of what is happening in “Real Time”. Don’t get them mixed up.

3 We know that there are attributes of both good and evil, negative and positive, light and darkness, within humanity and all of it is in contrast to give us our enlightenment and understanding.

4 Some Metaphors & Shadows The resurrection The Lion, The Lamb, Priest The rapture, the New Birth Blood, Sin, Clean, Unclean The glorified body The millennium

5 Some Attributes God / Devil Lord / lord Father/Son/Holy Ghost Mother/Brother/Sister Husband/wife/Children Humanity

6 Now today I want to read a couple of scriptures to show a type and shadow of what is going on today. Maybe we can learn something from it. Let’s see if the allegory is true for today. Let’s go to Genesis 12: Abram is being called out to a new land unknown.

7 Now let’s go to 1 Samuel 16: Wherein Saul is rejected as King of Israel and David is anointed as a King after his own heart. This is something that happens time and time again as the Kingdom of the Lord progresses in its humanity.

8 In Genesis chapters 6-9 Noah is the dominant message and the prophet of the Lord within the land. Crossing over from the old to the new land. He brought three sons into the world to populate the world in the new message. They were all his sons.

9 Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be when the Son of Man is revealed. We know that William Branham revealed the Son of Man in his ministry and that day is complete.

10 The new world was populated with the strong arm of a dictator, Nimrod. He brought the world to one language and one accord by a conquering political dictatorship that wanted to be like Enoch and Noah. He was a political warrior who hunted nations and conquered them bringing the people to one language.

11 When the power of Nimrod was diminished and the kingdom failed in a confused state of mind the Lord named that city Babel.

12 When the political system and religious system of Babel failed to bring true oneness the Lord ended that Kingdom. It is still with us today but it is ended in the mind of the Lord. Just like Egypt in the day of Moses.

13 The Lord raised up Abram and brought him to a new land. A land unknown and by faith he had to move into that land without even knowing where it was at. He did many things that later had to be corrected as he progressed through the promise

14 This Angel, Wormwood, had moved through the land and used to elements to cleanse the land and smote the carnal mind with confusion, battle, and ego to deliver them through a failed kingdom into the Kingdom of our Lord.

15 Abram left the old land into the new day but he took many things with him. There had to be a transition time, and age wherein all those traditions, agendas, dictatorship, ego, competition, heirarchy, it all had to be diminished.

16 He made the mistake of taking his father and his nephew with him into the unknown when the Lord told him to leave it.

17 He moved to build a Kingdom with three women. Hagar, Sarah, Keturah Ismael, Isaac, and the six sons of Keturah

18 They could not live together. The spirit of conquering and tradition and ego was developed among them and they became men of war. Men of renown. Their kingdoms developed into mighty kingdoms across the earth.

19 None of these kingdoms from Abrahams loins of the flesh were the kingdom that the Lord was raising up. They were all a part of the process. Processes have cycles from seed to harvest. That is not what this is about.

20 There was another Seed, a fourth Seed and that Seed is Christ! Paul said not many seeds but one Seed, even Christ!

21 The Royal Seed of Abraham comes after all the Seeds are finished in the processes. There is no planting here! There is no harvest here! It is the Awakening!

22 Samuel, how long will you weep and mourn over Saul, the Seed and the harvest gone by. This is a brand new Field. It’s not a battlefield and its not a field to harvest.

23 This is a field of Peace, a field not to be conquered but to rest. A field wherein you find your treasure and you sell all that you have for the pearl of great price.

24 This is not a dictatorship. This is Royalty. The Royal Seed of Abraham. Where are we at in “This Abrahamic Age”!

25 It took an angel, a prophet, Wormwood to stand in the middle of this age and move us through the veils of the carnal mind, the bottomless pit. We are blessed under the Ministry of Moses, Elijah, Noah, and their angel’s manifestation.

26 “Love Divine” Part 10 “This Abrahamic Age”

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