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The Atom, Periodic Table, and Chemical Reactions Mrs. Hooks Unit 3.

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1 The Atom, Periodic Table, and Chemical Reactions Mrs. Hooks Unit 3

2 Learning Targets 1. I can identify and describe the parts of an atom. 2. I can use the Periodic Table to explain characteristics of individual elements. 3. I can develop and use a model to describe how the total # of atoms does not change in a chemical reaction and thus mass is conserved.

3 Famous Scientist 1. Democritus – Discovered the Atom 2. John Dalton – Came up with the Atomic Theory – Billiard Ball Model 3. J.J Thompson – Discovered the Electron – Plum Pudding Model 4.Rutherford Discovered the Nucleus Nuclear Model 5.Niels Bohr Theory of Atomic Structure- Electrons are located in “Energy Levels”. Bohr Model 6. LaVoiser Law of Conservation of matter “Matter cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes forms”

4 Parts of the Atom Atom- small particle that makes up matter Subatomic Particles – 1. Proton- positively charged particle Located in the nucleus Equals the atomic number of an Element – 2. neutrons- particle with NO charge Located in the nucleus # of neutrons + # of protons = atomic mass – 3. Electrons- negatively charged particle Located outside the nucleus on Energy Levels # of Electrons = # of Protons Energy Level



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