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NT1330 Client Server Networking 2

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1 NT1330 Client Server Networking 2
UNIT 2 Configuring and Maintaining the DHCP and DNS Server Roles

2 Class Agenda 12/16/15 Learning Objectives Lesson Presentation and Discussions. Lab Activities will be performed in class. Assignments will be given in class. Break Times. 10 Minutes break in every 1 Hour. Assignment and labs are posted to the website.

3 Skills Matrix Technology Skill Objective Domain Objective #
Configuring the DHCP Server Role Configure Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 1.2

4 The DHCP Server Role Each host must have an Internet Protocol (IP) address and a subnet mask, and if communicating outside the local subnet, each must also have a default gateway. Each IP address must be valid and unique within the host’s internetwork. Manually managing IP addresses is a complex tedious task. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) simplifies this process by automating the assigning, tracking, and reassigning of IP addresses.

5 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
DHCP can dynamically allocate an IP address from a pool of addresses and then reclaim it when it is no longer needed. Because this process is dynamic, no duplicate addresses are assigned by a properly configured DHCP server, and administrators can move computers between subnets without manually configuring them.

6 Four Key benefits to DHCP:
Benefits of the DHCP Four Key benefits to DHCP: Centralized administration of IP configuration. Dynamic host configuration. Seamless IP host configuration. Flexibility and scalability.

7 DHCP Messages All DHCP messages are carried in User Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagrams using the well-known port numbers 67 (from the server) and 68 (to the client). UDP operates at the Transport Layer of the OSI model and is a low-overhead protocol because it does not use any type of packet acknowledgement.

8 DHCP Messages When you troubleshoot DHCP problems, you need to understand that DHCP is a four-step process.

9 DHCP Lease Renewal

10 DHCP Relay Agent Again, emphasize the DHCP Relay Agent is needed when you want to centralize DHCP over WAN links.

11 Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA)
If the DHCP client is unable to locate a DHCP server and is not configured with an alternate configuration, the computer configures itself with a / address. The auto-configured computer then tests to verify that the IP address it has chosen is not already in use by using a gratuitous ARP broadcast. If the chosen IP address is in use, the computer randomly selects another address. The computer makes up to 10 attempts to find an available IP address. If you see a X.X address, it cannot find or communicate with a DHCP.

12 Installing the DHCP Server Role
Adding the DHCP server role is largely wizard-driven via the Server Manager console and allows you to configure basic DHCP settings at the same time that you install the role. To add DHCP Server Role on a Server Core Installation of Windows Server 2008, use the following command: Start /w ocsetup DHCPServerCore

13 Practical Activity : Installing DHCP server role on Server 2008
Student will take 15 minutes to follow instructions from the text book to install the DHCP

14 Authorizing a DHCP Server
In implementations of DHCP prior to Windows 2000, any user could create a DHCP server on the network, an action that could lead to conflicts in IP address assignments. In Windows Server 2000 and later, an unauthorized DHCP server (also referred to as a rogue DHCP server) is simply a DHCP server that has not been explicitly listed in the Active Directory Domain Service as an authorized server. You must authorize a DHCP server in Active Directory before the server can issue leases to DHCP clients. You must authorize the DHCP server to work with an Active Directory network. Show students how to activate a DHCP server.

15 Authorizing a DHCP Server
Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete on the Windows Server 2008 computer. In the DHCP console, right-click DHCP and then click Manage Authorized Servers. In the Manage Authorized Servers dialog box, select Authorize. In the Authorize DHCP Server dialog box, key the name or IP address of the DHCP server to be authorized and then click OK. The computer will list the IP and full computer name and then ask for confirmation. Click OK to continue.

16 Practical Activity: Authorize a DHCP Server.
Students will follow instruction to Authorize DHCP Server

17 DHCP Scope Determines which IP addresses are allocated to clients.
Defines a set of IP addresses and associated configuration information that can be supplied to a DHCP client. A scope must be defined and activated before DHCP clients can use the DHCP server for dynamic TCP/IP configuration. You can configure as many scopes on a DHCP server as needed for your network environment.

18 DHCP Scope The IP addresses defined in a DHCP scope must be contiguous and are associated with a subnet mask. If the addresses you want to assign are not contiguous, you must create a scope encompassing all the addresses you want to assign and then exclude specific addresses or address ranges from the scope. You can create only one scope per subnet on a single DHCP server.

19 DHCP Scope

20 Available Address Pool
Once a DHCP scope is defined and exclusion ranges are applied, the remaining addresses form what is called an available address pool within the scope. Pooled addresses can then be dynamically assigned to DHCP clients on the network.

21 Practical Activity: Configuration of DHCP scope
Follow instruction in the book to configure the DHCP Scope

22 DHCP Options DHCP options are additional client-configuration parameters that a DHCP server can assign when serving leases to DHCP clients. DHCP options are configured using the DHCP console and can apply to scopes and reservations.

23 DHCP Options

24 Configuring and Managing the DNS Server Role
Lesson 4

25 Skills Matrix Configuring Active DirectoryIntegrated Zones
Technology Skill Objective Domain Objective # Installing the DNS Server Role Configure a Domain Name System (DNS) server 2.1 Introducing DNS Zones Configure DNS zones 2.2 Configuring DNS Resource Records Configure DNS records 2.3 Configuring Active DirectoryIntegrated Zones Configure DNS replication 2.4 Introducing the DNS Name Resolution Process Configure name resolution for client 2.5

26 Domain Name System (DNS)
Because DNS plays such a key role in Windows Server 2008. Without DNS, your network will most likely not function — clients won’t be able to resolve names to Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. In addition, Active Directory clients use DNS to locate domain controllers.

27 HOST file Before DNS, name resolution was handled through the use of text files called HOSTS files that were stored locally on each computer. The HOSTS file listed each name of the host and its corresponding IP address. Whenever a new host was added to the network, an administrator would manually update the HOSTS file with the new host name or IP address information.

28 DNS because of the following benefits:
Domain Name System DNS because of the following benefits: Scalability Constancy Ease of Use Simplicity

29 DNS Namespaces A DNS namespace is a hierarchical, tree-structured list of DNS host names, starting at an unnamed root that is used for all DNS operations. Each domain can have additional child domains.

30 DNS Namespaces

31 Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
DNS uses the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to map a host name to an IP address. An FQDN describes the exact relationship between a host and its DNS domain.

32 DNS Server Types DNS server types are determined by the type of zone or zones they host and by the functions they perform. A DNS server may host either primary or secondary zones or both. If the server doesn’t host any zones, it is referred to a caching-only server. A server is said to be authoritative for a particular zone if it hosts a primary or secondary zone for a particular DNS domain.

33 Primary Name Server Primary name servers have been configured with one or more primary DNS zones. When a change is made to the zone data, such as adding resource records to the zone, the changes must be made on the primary server for that zone; these changes will then propagate to secondary name servers.

34 Secondary Name Server A secondary name server hosts one or more secondary zone databases. Because a zone transfer is used to create a secondary zone, the primary name server and zone already must exist to create a secondary name server.

35 Caching-Only Server Caching-only servers do not host any zones and are not authoritative for any domain. Caching-only DNS servers start with an empty cache and then add resource record entries as the server fulfills client requests. This information is then available from its cache when answering subsequent client queries. A caching-only DNS server is valuable at a site when DNS functionality is needed locally but when creating a separate domain or zone is not desirable.

36 AD-Integrated Zones Zones are stored in Active Directory. No distinction between primary and secondary servers. Changes made on one DNS server are replicated to other DNS Server.

37 Installing the DNS Server Role
Before you can use DNS Server Role, you must install it with Server Manger.

38 Zones DNS hierarchical structure is that workload for name resolution is distributed across many different resources. For administrative purposes, DNS domains can be organized into zones. A zone is a collection of host name–to–IP address mappings for hosts in a contiguous portion of the DNS namespace.

39 Zones Zone data is maintained on a DNS name server and is stored in one of two ways: As a text-based zone file containing lists of mappings, called a standard zone or a file-backed zone. Within an Active Directory database, called an Active Directory–integrated zone. Microsoft always recommends Active Directory-Integrated because it provides fault tolerance and high security.

40 Only one server can host and load the master copy of the zone.
Standard Primary Zone A standard primary zone hosts a read/write copy of the DNS zone in which resource records are created and managed. Only one server can host and load the master copy of the zone. no additional primary servers for the zone are permitted, and only the server hosting the primary zone is allowed to accept dynamic updates and process zone changes.

41 Standard Secondary Zone
A copy of the zone file may be stored on one or more servers to balance network load, provide fault tolerance, or avoid forcing queries across a slow, wide area network (WAN) link. This standard secondary zone is a read-only copy of the standard primary DNS zone. Information from a primary zone is transmitted to a secondary zone by performing a zone transfer, which is done by copying the zone file from the primary server to a secondary server.

42 Most queries sent to a DNS server are forward queries.
Forward Lookup Zone Most queries sent to a DNS server are forward queries. They request an IP address based on a DNS name. Includes Host (A) resource records that translate form host name to IP address.

43 The Reverse Lookup zone is domain.
Enables a host to determine another host’s name based on its IP address. Contains the Pointer (PTR) resource record that translates from IP addresses to host names.

44 Resource Records The resource record is the fundamental data storage unit in all DNS servers. Start of Authority (SOA) Name Server (NS) Host (A) Host (AAAA) Canonical Name (CNAME) Mail Exchanger (MX) Pointer (PTR) Service Record (SRV) When the opportunity arises, always review the Resource Records.

45 Start of Authority (SOA) Resource Records
Identifies which name server is the authoritative source of information for data within this domain. The first record in the zone database file must be an SOA record. In the Windows Server 2008 DNS server, SOA records are created automatically with default values when you create a new zone.

46 Name Server (NS) Resource Records
Identifies the name server that is the authority for the particular zone or domain; that is, the server that can provide an authoritative name-to-IP address mapping for a zone or domain.

47 Name Server (NS) Resource Records

48 A and AAAA Resource Records
The A resource record is the fundamental data unit of the DNS that is used to translate the host name to the IPv4 address. The AAAA resource record is used to translate the host name to the IPv6 address. The Pointer (PTR) resource record is the functional opposite of the A record, providing an IP address-to-name mapping, which is found in the reverse lookup zones. AAAA is becoming more popular as IPv6 popularity grows.

49 A and AAAA Resource Records

50 Canonical Name (CNAME) Resource Record
Sometimes called an Alias record, is used to specify an alternative name for the system specified in the Name field.

51 Canonical Name (CNAME) Resource Record

52 Mail Exchanger (MX) Resource Records
Identifies the servers for a domain. If you get an error that it cannot contact RPC server, it might be because SRV records are missing, DNS is not configured properly, or you are not pointing to the correct DNS server.

53 Mail Exchanger (MX) Resource Records

54 Service Record (SRV) Enables clients to locate servers that are providing a particular service. Windows Server 2008 Active Directory clients rely on the SRV record to locate the domain controllers they need to validate logon requests.

55 Iterative Query

56 Recursive Query

57 Dnscmd Command You can use the Dnscmd command-line tool to perform most of the tasks that you can do from the DNS console. This tool can be used to script batch files, to help automate the management and updates of existing DNS server configurations, or to perform setup and configuration of DNS servers.

58 Using NsLookup Demonstrate the NSLookup command.

59 Using NsLookup

60 Advanced DNS Server Properties
Advanced DNS server properties refer to the settings that can be configured in the Advanced tab of the DNS Server Properties dialog box. These properties relate to server-specific features, such as disabling recursion, handling resolution of multi-homed hosts, and achieving compatibility with non-Microsoft DNS servers.

61 Unit 2 Lab 2 Unit 2. Lab 1. Configuring DNS and DHCP

62 Unit 2 Assignments Unit 2. Assignment 1. DHCP Troubleshooting Unit 2. Assignement 2. DNS Scenario Unit 2. Assignment 3. Windows 2008 Network Services

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